
June 09, 2023

Happy National Oceans Month!: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, and happy National Oceans Month!  Our District has the most beautiful coastlines America has to offer. I’m marking National Ocean’s Month with important legislation, events, and projects. I recently joined federal, state, tribal and local leaders for a Sea Otter Summit in Bodega Bay. We know sea otters are cute. They are also little ecosystem engineers that help maintain a healthy coastline and thriving kelp forests, and we’re seeing the consequences of their …  Continue Reading

May 26, 2023

Fighting for America’s Economy: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,   With House Republicans threatening to force the first-ever default on our nation’s debt unless President Biden agrees to draconian budget cuts and extreme policy demands, we are at a precarious moment in Congress. I want to make it clear: I am determined to prevent a catastrophic default from happening. That’s why I was among the first to sign a discharge petition to force a vote on a “clean” debt ceiling increase. We now have 213 signatures on that …  Continue Reading

May 12, 2023

Our Coast is Set to Get Climate-Ready: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, I have some great news – thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, coastal communities across Northern California are set to receive $60.3 million for projects designed to make us more resilient in the face of climate change. These projects, selected under the Biden administration’s Climate-Ready Coasts Initiative, will create jobs, boost the local economy, help us prepare for and rebuild from extreme weather events, and support vital wildlife …  Continue Reading

April 26, 2023

On the Road and Meeting with Constituents: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, The statewide closure of the California Salmon season is bad news for our region. The impacts on the North Coast and our fisheries, tribes, and coastal communities are significant. My colleagues and I are committed to securing disaster relief quickly, while we simultaneously work on the the long game for species recovery. Rep. Huffman speaks at the press conference on the California salmon season closure.  I recently led a press conference with …  Continue Reading

April 07, 2023

I’m Standing Up to Big Oil and Delivering Major Investments for the North Coast: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, Last week, we voted on House Republicans’ top legislative priority: The Polluters Over People Act (H.R 1). We must do everything we can to shore up our domestic energy supplies and speed up our transition to a clean energy future, but unfortunately this bill misses the mark, which is why I voted against it. Rep. Huffman speaks on the House floor in opposition to HR 1. I want to highlight just a few of the provisions that made this bill a non-starter for me. …  Continue Reading

March 24, 2023

What Do You Want to See Prioritized in President Biden’s Budget?

Hello, Recently, President Joe Biden released his 2024 budget, outlining his vision to build on the historic accomplishments like the Inflation Reduction Act that Democrats have delivered over the last two years. The yearly budget is an opportunity to show our values, and President Biden made it clear that Democrats are prioritizing people over politics with a budget reflecting a fiscally responsible blueprint to invest in America, lower costs, protect critical social programs, and secure a …  Continue Reading

March 10, 2023

New Funding is Available, Check Out Our Guide: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,Major investments are heading our way thanks to historic legislation signed into law during the last two years under the leadership of President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress. From the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a monumental down payment for our nation’s roads, bridges, rail, ports, airports, electric grid, and water systems, to the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment in climate action in American history, we have delivered real results that will …  Continue Reading

February 17, 2023

The State of Our Union is Strong: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,   Last week, I attended President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address, and his message was clear: the state of our union is strong – and now it’s time to finish the job. The Biden-Harris administration and Democrats in Congress have delivered big results over the last two years, including:   12 million jobs created – more than any other President has created during their four–year term;  Infrastructure investments in all 50 states, DC, …  Continue Reading

January 27, 2023

Disaster Relief is Here: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, California was hit with severe storms this month, and many folks in our district were affected by the ensuing floods, extreme high winds, power outages, and damage to roads, homes, and businesses. I’m grateful, yet again, to our first responders and all those who have stepped up to help our neighbors in need. I joined several congressional colleagues asking President Joe Biden to swiftly grant Governor Gavin Newsom’s request for a federal disaster declaration to get funding and …  Continue Reading

January 09, 2023

2 Years of Remarkable Progress For The People: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,With the start of a new year and a new Congress before us, it's a good time to update you on the remarkably productive work my team and I did on your behalf these past two years. It’s an honor to serve the people of California’s spectacular 2nd Congressional District, and it's especially gratifying to report on the many accomplishments we achieved together during the 117th Congress.  By putting people over politics, my congressional colleagues and I delivered some …  Continue Reading

December 02, 2022

Major Wins for our Climate and Environment: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,  Last month, I attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and I saw how the reality of our worsening climate crisis is changing the conversation on a global scale. The conference buzzed with excitement over the Biden administration’s historic climate achievements like the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act, and our days were packed with discussions on ways to build on these …  Continue Reading

October 31, 2022

Remembering the 2017 Fires, $$ for San Rafael, Addressing Violence Against Indigenous People, & More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, This month, I stood with friends, families, and survivors to mark the five-year anniversary of the 2017 wildfires in Sonoma. This event rocked our community, leaving an indelible mark on all of us. But it also changed how we prepare for and respond to fires. We’ve worked to make our homes and landscapes more resilient, and we treat these events with the gravity and swift action they deserve. And we, of course, will never forget the exceptional heroism of our first responders and …  Continue Reading

September 30, 2022

Fighting for Climate Action, Updating our National Fisheries Law, & More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, Ever since I first set foot in the halls of Congress as your Representative, I’ve been committed to advancing science-based climate action. And over the past two years, we’ve signed into law the most historic climate legislation ever seen, despite razor thin majorities and aggressive opposition from leaders in the pocket of Big Oil. We recently passed the historic Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which provides the largest investment in American history to combat the …  Continue Reading

August 31, 2022

Helping Californians with Wildfires: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,In recent years, our district has experienced some of the nation’s worst wildfires – fueled by climate change and extreme drought. We know all too well the devastating impacts these fires have on our region and how important it is to access support and do what we can to prevent and mitigate the damage. The recent Six Rivers Lightning Complex Fire was a frightening example of how quickly fires can break out, and I'm grateful for the many partners my team was able to work with …  Continue Reading

August 12, 2022

Do you support the Inflation Reduction Act?

Hello,   Today, House Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act, a historic bill that includes unprecedented federal investments for hardworking families. This bill reduces inflation in a progressive way — taxing large corporations, cracking down on Big Pharma price gouging, and making clean energy even more affordable to lower costs across the board.  Health Care: This bill caps seniors’ out of pocket spending for prescription drugs at $2000 per year. …  Continue Reading

August 01, 2022

Pushing for Climate Action, Defending Marriage Equality Community Project Funding & More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,Like many of you, I have been frustrated with the false starts and whiplash over the past year when it comes to climate action. We are already seeing the catastrophic impacts of climate change, from deadly wildfires, severe drought, and skyrocketing temperatures across the planet. The climate crisis is the most important existential issue of our time, and it’s time for the U.S. leaders to start acting like it. The climate crisis isn’t waiting. Neither should we. …  Continue Reading

July 18, 2022

Historic Jobs Growth, Protecting Consumers, and More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,    At a time when the headlines from Washington have been especially negative, I’m pleased to share some good news. The private sector has now recovered all the jobs that were lost during the pandemic, and we even added jobs on top of that.   Source: National Economic Council The numbers from the latest Jobs Report don’t lie: with 372,000 jobs added in June, there have been nearly 9 million jobs added since President Joe Biden …  Continue Reading

July 01, 2022

Standing Up Against Extreme SCOTUS Decisions: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,  This has been a difficult month for us all in the face of an avalanche of extreme, precedent-breaking decisions by the Supreme Court. The extremist, out of touch judges have stripped people in America of their fundamental rights, demolished the wall separating church and state, and handcuffed government agencies from being able to uphold public safety laws and protect the environment.  Rep. Huffman speaks in front of SCOTUS following the overturning of Roe …  Continue Reading

June 17, 2022

Gun Violence Prevention, Defending Democracy, and More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,We have a gun violence epidemic in our country, a crisis that is uniquely American. People from all parties, from all walks of life are desperately calling on Congress to make reforms that are commonsense and urgently needed. Over 100 people die from firearms every single day, and guns have become the number one cause of death for children. It doesn’t have to be this way. I refuse to accept these atrocities as an unavoidable part of American life.  The House just passed …  Continue Reading

May 31, 2022

More than “Thoughts & Prayers”- Addressing the American Gun Violence Epidemic: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,Last week, we lost 21 innocent lives in a senseless act of terror at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. This comes on the heels of the horrific, racist attack at the Tops Friendly Markets store in Buffalo, New York and the mass shooting at the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods, California.   I am sick and tired of the senseless bloodshed. Let me be clear: this is an epidemic that is uniquely American.  Since 2020, gun violence has been the …  Continue Reading

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