Pushing for Climate Action, Defending Marriage Equality Community Project Funding & More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

August 01, 2022


Like many of you, I have been frustrated with the false starts and whiplash over the past year when it comes to climate action. We are already seeing the catastrophic impacts of climate change, from deadly wildfires, severe drought, and skyrocketing temperatures across the planet. The climate crisis is the most important existential issue of our time, and it’s time for the U.S. leaders to start acting like it. The climate crisis isn’t waiting. Neither should we.


Rep. Huffman speaks at a Select Committee on the Climate Crisis press conference.

I’m proud to be one of the leading climate advocates in Congress – most recently urging President Biden to declare a National Climate Emergency, investigating the environmental impacts of cryptomining, working with Senator Booker to bring attention to the pollution and environmental justice issues of chemical recycling, and keeping up pressure to fully electrify the USPS fleet. I won’t stop pushing for the transition away from dirty, planet-polluting fossil fuels, as well as advocating for investments in clean, renewable energy.  

What Else I’ve Been Working On 

  • Investing in Wildfire and Drought Preparedness: As temperatures across the globe rise, so does the threat of wildfires and drought. That’s why House Democrats passed the Wildfire Response and Drought Resiliency Act to provide significant investments to protect communities from wildfires, help make our forests more resilient, and mitigate the effects from drought through my FUTURE Drought Act, which was part of the package. 
  • Defending Marriage Equality: The conservative majority on the Supreme Court is releasing decisions to systematically erode rights that people in the U.S. have spent decades fighting for. Since the Supreme Court repealed Roe v. Wade, it has signaled that the right to same-sex marriage is next on the chopping block.  As a member of the LBGTQ+ Equality Caucus, I proudly voted for the Respect for Marriage Act to protect marriage equality for the millions of LGBTQ Americans and those in interracial marriages, who deserve to have certainty that their marriages will continue to be recognized under the law, no matter where they live or travel in the U.S. 
  • Protecting the Right to Birth Control: While many Republicans in Congress are plotting policies to create a nationwide ban on abortion, House Democrats continue to stand up for reproductive freedom by passing The Right to Contraception Act, which would safeguard the the right to obtain and use birth control. Everybody deserves access to family planning services so they can make their own private decisions about their lives.  
  • Securing Funding for the North Coast: House Democrats are committed to investing in our communities and delivering for our constituents. The House just passed a six-bill government funding package that includes critical investments for creating jobs, lowering the cost of living, tackling inflation, and supporting small businesses. This package also includes over $9.5 in Community Project Funding in the North Coast that I advocated for, which you can learn about here

Helping You 
Whether it’s help working with a federal agency, or providing information about legislation and policy, don’t forget – my staff and I are here to help. Below is an example of some of the work my office has done to help our constituents. 

“After nearly 3 years of waiting for our green card, we were stuck in what felt like a clerical black hole with no light in sight. USCIS and our lawyers has no solutions and told us that it could take another year or more. We decided to contact Congressman Huffman and started working with his staff. Within a few weeks, the paperwork was resolved, and our green cards were approved. We are so grateful for Congressman Huffman and his staff are lifesavers!”  
– Brandon Ancier and Ana Jacobsen, San Rafael  

If you're in need of assistance, you can submit a Casework Authorization Form on my website

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Jared Huffman
Member of Congress