I have some great news – thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, coastal communities across Northern California are set to receive $60.3 million for projects designed to make us more resilient in the face of climate change. These projects, selected under the Biden administration’s Climate-Ready Coasts Initiative, will create jobs, boost the local economy, help us prepare for and rebuild from extreme weather events, and support vital wildlife restoration projects. I strongly advocated for this funding, and I’m proud to report that of the 13 Northern California projects chosen for this funding opportunity, nine are in our district! From restoring habitat for salmon in the Russian River to reviving our kelp forests in the Greater Farallones, these projects will have an enormous impact across CA-02. You can learn more about the nine projects that are receiving funding here.

Other Priorities I’m Working On:
- Paying America’s Bills: House Republicans recently passed the Default on America Act, a legislative package that would raise the debt limit, as well as mandate extreme spending cuts that would slash vital programs that children, families, and vulnerable communities depend on every day. Extreme MAGA members are trying to hold our economy hostage, threatening to default on America's bills for the first time in history unless their outlandish demands are met. We have a responsibility to uphold the full faith and credit of the U.S, and we can’t afford to waste any more time with political games that gamble with our national debt. Under the previous administration, Democrats and many Republicans voted three times to raise the debt ceiling without taking political hostages or threatening default. Using the threat of a debt default to try and force enormous cuts to medical care for veterans, funding for preschools, and programs like SNAP is not only irresponsible - it’s cruel. Defaulting, or even coming close, will be catastrophic for our economy, for our standing in the world, and for our national security.
- Addressing Violence Against Indigenous People: I introduced a resolution to designate May 5th as the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The epidemic of missing indigenous people spans the country, and Native women and girls suffer violence at 10 times the national average. Tragically, these crimes are often overlooked or outright ignored. By designating May 5th as a National Day of Awareness, we can shine a light on this epidemic, as well as remember and honor the countless lives we’ve lost. The Yurok Tribe made history last year with a first-of-its-kind Summit on Missing and Murdered Indigenous People, and I’m committed to continue working with tribal leaders in my district to bring an end to this injustice.
- Celebrating Funding for Drought Resilience: I’m pleased to share that a $140 million investment from the Department of the Interior is heading to water conservation and efficiency projects across the American West. As the climate crisis continues to accelerate, causing temperatures to skyrocket and exacerbating drought conditions throughout California, this important funding is critical for improving the state’s drought resilience and ability to adapt to our warming climate. Thanks to this investment, the Sonoma County Water Agency will receive $2 million for its Drought Resiliency Program, which will improve our water use efficiency, as well as result in significant annual water savings.
- Holding SCOTUS Accountable: Our democracy depends on the Supreme Court to be fair, just, and transparent. However, recent revelations about Justice Clarence Thomas’ corrupt behavior and conflicts of interest seriously jeopardize the legitimacy of the court. Supreme Court justices are not above the law, and ethics should apply to everyone - especially for the highest court of the land. However, the Supreme Court has shown that it is not willing to set any ethics standards for itself, and Chief Justice John Roberts recently declined to even attend the Senate hearing on SCOTUS ethics. It’s long overdue for an actual code of conduct, and it’s clear that Congress must step in and take action to stop this endless flow of corruption.
- Touring the North Coast: During my latest District Work Period, I attended the groundbreaking ceremony for Santa Rosa Junior College's state-of-the-art construction training center. It’s great to see federal dollars coming to the district for this project, which will educate and train students for careers in construction and alleviate our housing crisis. I also had the opportunity to tour Vivalon’s under-construction Healthy Aging Campus in San Rafael, a new development that will provide much needed affordable housing to our seniors in Marin. During my time in Mendocino, I met with community leaders to continue my district-wide series of stakeholder roundtables to discuss community projects and how I can support their work at the federal level.
Rep. Huffman attends the groundbreaking ceremony for Santa Rosa Junior College’s construction training center.
Helping You Whether it’s help working with a federal agency or providing information about legislation and policy, don’t forget – my staff and I are here to help. Below is an example of some of the work my office has done to help our constituents.
“We were two weeks away from a much-needed vacation, but I hadn’t received my passport. I applied for it five months in advance thinking it would be enough time. As my anxiety built, a friend recommended I reach out to Congressman Huffman’s office for assistance. The Congressman’s office was able to reach out to the Passport Agency and I got it a week later. Thank you, Congressman Huffman and staff, for your reassurance and diligent work to make sure we didn’t miss our vacation.” – Laura, Sebastopol
If you're in need of assistance, you can submit a Casework Authorization Form on my website. Lastly, due to the severe storms this year, Mendocino County residents are now eligible for individual disaster assistance through FEMA. Folks can apply for grants to help pay for temporary housing, essential home repairs, and other serious disaster-related needs, such as replacement of damaged personal property, expenses for transportation, childcare, and moving and storage. You can learn more here.
To keep up with the work I am doing as your representative, please subscribe to my newsletter, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Thank you, and stay well,
Jared Huffman Member of Congress