I have worked throughout my career on California water policy, serving as the Chair of the Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee in Sacramento, and on the board of the Marin Municipal Water Board before that. California’s water story is one of feast or famine, with the state experiencing devastating floods following years of drought. This is made worse by a changing climate, which has reduced clean drinking water supplies, put pressure on food producers, driving iconic fish and wildlife to the brink of extinction, and threatened our tourism and recreation industries.
Water Infrastructure and Drought Resilience:
As the Ranking Member of the Water, Wildlife and Fisheries Subcommittee, I am working to provide a range of short- and long-term solutions to stretch water supplies and build new clean water infrastructure. I introduced comprehensive drought response legislation, a range of short- and long-term solutions to stretch water supplies and build new clean water infrastructure, creating jobs without undermining environmental protections, preempting state laws, or redirecting impacts from one drought-stricken area to another. This bill passed the House as part of the Wildfire Response and Drought Resiliency Act in July 2022.
Modernizing the Army Corps’ Work at our Ports, Harbors, Reservoirs, and Waterways:
I have led the effort in Congress to bring Army Corps reservoir operations in line with modern science, to help save water, and to support communities through extreme weather events. The Army Corps of Engineers operates many of its reservoirs—critical for the water supply of cities and towns throughout the country, including in Sonoma County—on outdated and obsolete water control manuals, some of which are as much as 60 years old. For the Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA) of 2022, I renewed my dedication to those projects and others that would benefit our community.
River Restoration and Protection:
I am the co-chair of the House Wild Salmon Caucus and work to ensure the North Coast’s rivers are healthy enough to uphold all the values they represent, including fishing, tribal trust responsibilities, endangered species and other fish and wildlife, power generation, and recreation.
In the 115th Congress, I helped protect the iconic Smith River by securing a twenty-year ban on new mining projects in an ecologically and economically critical region in Southwest Oregon, which includes the Smith River headwaters. In the 117th Congress, I introduced legislation to expand the hugely popular Smith River National Recreation Area into Oregon. The people of Del Norte County, the Elk Valley, and Tolowa Dee-ni' tribes, and thousands of other Californians and Oregonians who cherish the Smith River have united in working to secure two decades of protection for this spectacular landscape and its wildlife for future generations. I also introduced the Salmon FISH Act, a bill that identifies critical centers of salmon abundance to ensure these areas receive the protection, support, and funding they need to continue to sustain the healthiest remaining salmon populations.
One of the most important river restoration projects throughout the nation is the effort to remove the four dams on the Klamath River, which will rebuild the river’s salmon runs. After decades of work, this is finally happening. This is going to be the largest river restoration in American history. I am immensely proud to have been an active partner in these efforts, working alongside steadfast advocates to right this wrong and restore balance to the river.
California San Francisco Bay Delta:
The San Francisco Bay Delta is the largest estuary on the West Coast of the Americas, sustaining countless migratory birds and an economically vital salmon fishery, recreational opportunities, and improved quality of life for residents and tourists alike. Unfortunately, centuries of development, pollution, and water diversions have constricted the amount of water that flows naturally through the Bay-Delta and starved its wetlands and rivers. Current environmental standards are protecting an ecosystem on life support and are insufficient for a full and vibrant recovery.
Dating back to my time in the state legislature, where I played a leading role in crafting and passing a historic package of water reforms in 2009, I have fought to forge consensus around effective science-based environmental and clean water protections so that we can meet California’s water needs without sacrificing the salmon industry or the environmental values that make California great.
We are already living out the alarming impacts of climate change on land, including catastrophic wildfires and drought. We should be just as concerned about ocean impacts: major declines in biodiversity, rapidly shifting fish stocks, sea level rise, and widespread losses of our world’s most important coastal habitats. On the North Coast of California in my district, and across the country, coastal communities are all too familiar with these consequences.
One of my many efforts to include ocean-based solutions in climate crisis legislation has been advocating for the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act. This bill would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by prohibiting oil and gas leasing in the outer continental shelf, conserve blue carbon ecosystems, promote coastal resiliency, improve ocean protection, support climate-ready fisheries, tackle ocean health challenges, and restore U.S. leadership in international ocean governance.
I am also proud to co-chair the bipartisan National Marine Sanctuaries Caucus with Rep. Garret Graves. Protecting treasured ecosystems throughout the oceans and Great Lakes is essential not only for the historical and cultural value, but also for the significant benefits sanctuaries have on biodiversity, tourism and recreation, and scientific research. As a co-chair, I will continue to raise awareness and understanding of national marine sanctuaries and their role in sustaining healthy ecosystems.
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act:
People coast-to-coast depend on healthy oceans and fisheries, whether it’s the seafood we eat, time spent on the water as recreational anglers, or the economic engine supporting working waterfronts and coastal communities. That’s why I introduced the Sustaining America’s Fisheries for the Future Act, legislation to update and reauthorize the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA), the primary law governing federal fisheries management and conservation that has made the U.S. a global leader in sustainable fisheries.
This legislation is the culmination of a two year-long process I led to get stakeholder input, including a nationwide listening tour and release of a discussion draft for feedback – part of an ongoing effort to foster a uniquely transparent, inclusive, science-based approach to updating this important law governing fisheries in American waters. As part of this process, I held eight listening sessions and covered seven management regions on a nationwide fisheries listening tour. Thanks to this process, we have crafted legislation that rises to the challenges of the 21st Century and includes critical updates to this landmark law.
Fighting for Fisheries:
Across the country, fishermen, tribes, and coastal communities depend on productive fisheries. However, far too many suffer while waiting for federal relief after unexpected disasters. On the North Coast of California, we’ve seen how ocean heat waves, domoic acid blooms, and drought have led to devastating consequences for our most important fisheries. As climate change impacts increase, it is more important than ever that we make sure fishing communities are as resilient as possible. I am pleased to share that I secured legislation in the 2023 funding package to improve the federal disaster relief process, making it more efficient and ensuring funds are provided in a timely manner to those impacted by a fishery disaster. This law will help make federal agencies more responsive to communities who have suffered a fishery disaster, while we continue to work in Congress to deliver the needed funds. The Fishery Resource Disasters Improvement Act, a bill that I introduced that has become law, sets a timeline for the federal government to respond to a fishery disaster request, and sets a timeline for disbursal of funds following a disaster. It also clarifies the disaster request process, including by allowing direct payments to be made to affected members of fishing communities as an eligible use of relief funds. I will continue working with federal agencies to oversee the implementation of this law so that North Coast communities, and communities across the country, see fishery disaster relief in a timely manner.
Internationally, I’ve been working hard to combat Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and ensure that IUU fishing products stay out of U.S. markets. On the high seas where no one is watching, nefarious fishing activities can have a massive impact on fish populations, and crews can easily be exploited. Major provisions of my bill, the Illegal Fishing and Forced Labor Prevention Act, became law as part of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act. I’ll continue advocating to expand the Seafood Import Monitoring Program to cover all species, ensuring that we have full traceability throughout our seafood supply chain for all types of seafood.
January 17, 2025
Rep. Huffman Announces $15 Million for Eel River Restoration, Construction of Modern Water Supply for Russian River Communities
December 10, 2024
Huffman Votes to Pass Water Resources Development Act, Celebrates Wins for Northern California
November 07, 2024
Marin City marks beginning of flood-control project
October 30, 2024
Rep. Huffman, Richardson Bay Regional Agency Celebrate Launch of New Eelgrass Protection Zone
October 04, 2024
Federal bill would allow Marin wetlands transfer
October 01, 2024
This American state, ready to cover its rivers: They will absorb historic amount of energy coming from space
June 26, 2024
Huffman Supports Water Resources Development Act, Celebrates Wins for Northern California
June 10, 2024
Huffman, Curtis to Re-Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Ease Tax Burden on Homeowners Making Water-Efficient Choices
April 16, 2024
Huffman, Napolitano Introduce Legislation to Boost Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects in the West
February 14, 2024
Huffman Celebrates Landmark Agreement with Klamath Basin Tribes, Project Irrigators to Collaborate on Ecosystem Restoration and Water Reliability in Klamath Basin
November 17, 2023
Huffman Statement on PG&E Plan to Remove Eel River Dams, Ensure Water Supply
September 28, 2023
Huffman Announces Funding for Local Projects to Develop Drought-Resilient Water Supply
April 21, 2023
Rep. Huffman applauds funding of $60.3 million for projects in Northern California to strengthen Climate-Ready Coasts
April 20, 2023
Huffman, Tonko, King Introduce Bill Driving Floating Solar Development
April 05, 2023
Huffman Announces $65.9 Million for Trinity River Hatchery Upgrades
March 30, 2023
Huffman, Lee, Cortez Masto Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Fill the Biggest Data Gap in Water Management
January 31, 2023
Rep. Huffman Elected as Democratic Leader of the Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries Subcommittee
December 08, 2022
Historic Oceans Package, WRDA 2022 Passes as Part of Annual Defense Bill
November 17, 2022
Rep. Huffman Praises FERC Decision to Clear the Way for Klamath Dam Removal
August 25, 2022
Huffman Announces Historic Funding from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Headed to Klamath Basin
July 29, 2022
Huffman Water Infrastructure Proposal Passes in Wildfire and Drought Resiliency Package
July 01, 2022
Rep. Huffman Statement on DOI’s Proposed Offshore Drilling Plan
June 23, 2022
Rep. Huffman Urges EPA to Uphold CWA, Enact Regulations on Harmful Ballast Water Discharges
June 09, 2022
Water Resources Development Act Passes House, Includes Huffman-Led Wins for Northern California
May 18, 2022
Huffman Supports Water Resources Development Act, Celebrates Wins for Northern California
September 23, 2021
Huffman Responds to FERC Decision Denying Potter Valley Project Extension
July 29, 2021
Senator Cortez Masto, Representatives Huffman, Lee, and Stewart Introduce Bicameral, Bipartisan Legislation to Transform Water Management in the West
July 22, 2021
Reps. Huffman, Chu, Sens. Feinstein, Padilla Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Ease Tax Burden on Homeowners Making Water-Efficient Choices
June 24, 2021
Huffman, Napolitano, Grijalva, and Lee Introduce Legislation to Fund Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects in the West
June 17, 2021
Rep. Huffman Praises FERC Decision to Move on Klamath Dam Removal
May 20, 2021
Huffman Introduces Water Infrastructure Bill to Improve Drought Preparedness and Water Supply Reliability
March 09, 2021
Huffman, Harder Pen Letter to Congressional Leaders to Secure Ongoing Water Debt Assistance
March 09, 2021
Jared Huffman: Support is needed to help pay water bills
March 04, 2021
Fight of the River People
February 05, 2021
Washington Governor Jay Inslee, alongside Congressmember Karen Bass and Jared Huffman, to Kick of Off The Marine Mammal Center’s Ocean Policy Webinar Series on February 9
January 28, 2021
Huffman, other Bay Area lawmakers seek $250 million for bay restoration efforts
January 27, 2021
Rep. Huffman to Introduce Bills to Protect Pacific & Arctic Oceans From Offshore Drilling
January 27, 2021
Biden pauses new offshore oil leases, shielding California coast from more drilling rigs
January 27, 2021
House Democrats seek to block West Coast, Arctic offshore drilling
December 08, 2020
Huffman Votes to Pass Bipartisan Water Resources Legislation, Celebrates Wins for Northern California
November 17, 2020
Huffman Celebrates Deal to Keep Klamath Dam Removal on Track
October 20, 2020
Huffman, Grijalva, Castor Unveil Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act
October 09, 2020
Petaluma River Dredging Project Completes with Oct. 13 Ribbon Cutting
September 30, 2020
ICYMI: Huffman Resumes Nationwide Listening Tour
September 24, 2020
Huffman, Casten Statement on the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act
September 24, 2020
Huffman Tribal Fairness Amendment Passes as Part of Clean Energy Package
September 11, 2020
Huffman, Grijalva, Haaland Call on Warren Buffett to Follow Through on Promise to Remove Dams, Provide Justice for Tribes
August 19, 2020
Rep. Huffman Highlights Urgent Need for Dam Removal During Investigative Forum
July 31, 2020
Huffman Applauds Increase in Funding for Special Education in Final Appropriations Bill, Secures Additional Priorities
July 15, 2020
Huffman Supports Water Resources Development Act, Celebrates Wins for Northern California
July 02, 2020
Huffman, 30 Members of CA House Delegation Express Opposition to New Oil/Gas Leases Off CA Coast
June 29, 2020
Huffman Water Infrastructure Proposal Included in House Democrats’ Landmark Infrastructure Bill
February 10, 2020
Huffman Announces Long-Awaited Allocation of Federal Funds for River Maintenance
January 10, 2020
Rep. Huffman Unveils Comprehensive Water Resiliency Discussion Draft, Requests Public Input
January 08, 2020
Rep. Huffman, Rep. Palazzo Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Federal Fisheries Disaster Relief Program
December 17, 2019
Rep. Huffman Secures Investments for Americans in Vote for 2020 Spending Bill
October 17, 2019
Rep. Huffman Introduces Salmon FISH Act to Restore Salmon Habitats, Protect Thriving Populations
June 19, 2019
Rep. Huffman Secures Local & National Priorities in Appropriations Bill
June 11, 2019
Huffman, 53 Lawmakers to Army Corps of Engineers: Block the Proposed Pebble Mine
May 01, 2019
Natural Resources Committee Approves Huffman’s Bipartisan Bill to Block Arctic Wildlife Refuge Oil Drilling
April 30, 2019
Chair Huffman Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Reauthorize National Sea Grant College Program
April 29, 2019
Reps. Huffman & Speier Announce Long-Awaited Allocation of Federal Disaster Support to California Fishing Communities
April 12, 2019
Reps. Huffman and Gosar Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To Ease Tax Burden on Homeowners Making Water-Efficient Choices
April 11, 2019
Rep. Huffman Shines Light on Need for Dredging of the Petaluma River & San Rafael Canal During Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Hearing
April 10, 2019
Huffman Introduces Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation, and Working Forests Act
April 05, 2019
Chairs Raúl M. Grijalva & Jared Huffman Request Documents on Acting DOI Secretary Bernhardt’s Ties with Westlands Water District
April 04, 2019
Rep. Huffman Introduces Bill to Strengthen Executive Branch Ethics Laws, Target Interior Department’s Industry Revolving Door
March 28, 2019
Reps. Huffman, Cunningham Introduce Bipartisan Bicoastal Offshore Drilling Ban
February 28, 2019
Rep. Huffman Introduces Lytton Rancheria Tribal Land Legislation
February 12, 2019
Huffman, Fitzpatrick, 100 Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Restore Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Protections
February 04, 2019
Rep. Huffman Statement on Bernhardt Nomination to Interior
January 29, 2019
Rep. Huffman Elected Chair of Water, Oceans, & Wildlife Subcommittee
January 15, 2019
Reps. Huffman & Napolitano Release GAO Report on the Benefits of Water Reuse Projects
January 08, 2019
Rep. Huffman Introduces Bills to Protect Pacific & Arctic Oceans from Offshore Drilling
September 27, 2018
Reps. Huffman, Sanford Push for Reauthorization of Land & Water Conservation Fund
May 23, 2018
Rep. Huffman Secures Local Priorities in Water Resources Development Act
April 26, 2018
Rep. Huffman Introduces Farmers CARE Act to Improve the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
October 25, 2017
Rep. Huffman Statement on Delta Tunnels Project
April 27, 2017
House Committee Approves One-Sided Water Deal, Rejects Rep. Huffman’s Attempts to Drain the Swamp and Address Conflicts of Interest
January 12, 2017
Huffman, DeFazio, Wyden, Merkley Secure Critical 20 Year Mining Ban in Southwestern Oregon, Smith River Watershed
January 11, 2017
Reps. Huffman and Rohrabacher Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To Ease Tax Burden on Homeowners Making Water-Efficient Choices
December 05, 2016
Rep. Huffman Slams McCarthy’s Last-Minute Effort to Attach Dangerous Provisions To Infrastructure Bill
September 23, 2016
Rep. Huffman Backs Dam Removal Plan Submitted to Federal Government
September 07, 2016
Rep. Huffman Announces Federal Grants to Assist Stranded Marine Mammals on the North Coast
November 04, 2015
Reps. Huffman, Garamendi Lead West Coast Members in Introducing Legislation to Permanently Ban Offshore Drilling on Pacific Coast
August 26, 2015
Huffman opposes latest Westlands lawsuit over Trinity/Klamath River protections
July 16, 2015
Rep. Huffman Votes Against Flawed, Divisive House Republican Water Bill
July 15, 2015
House Democrats Call Out GOP on Drought’s Economic Impact after Amendments are Excluded from Valadao Bill
July 09, 2015
Rep. Huffman Opposes Divisive, Cynical House Republican Water Bill
May 19, 2015
Rep. Huffman backs Humboldt County’s request for Trinity water
March 12, 2015
Rep. Jared Huffman Celebrates Expansion Of The Gulf Of The Farallones And Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries
February 10, 2015
Rep. Jared Huffman Reintroduces Bill to Modernize Army Corps of Engineers Reservoir Operations
January 02, 2015
Huffman Statement on Department of Interior Legal Opinion regarding Humboldt County Water Rights
December 09, 2014
Huffman Votes Against House Republican Water Bill
December 03, 2014
Northern California Delegation Statement on Flawed, Discriminatory House Republican Water Bill
November 20, 2014
Northern California Reps. Statement on Senator Feinstein Pulling Deeply-Flawed Water Bill
September 17, 2014
Huffman Celebrates 50th Anniversary of the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Wilderness Act
September 10, 2014
Huffman Offers Motion to Prevent Republican Bill from Threatening Clean Water Supplies
August 22, 2014
Huffman Statement on U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Announcement to Release Water to Protect Trinity River Salmon