Rep. Huffman Highlights Urgent Need for Dam Removal During Investigative Forum

Huffman, Expert Panel Examine Impacts of Klamath Dams, Call for End to PacifiCorp Delays

August 19, 2020

algae bloom

 Image of harmful algae bloom in Klamath River caused by Pacificorp dam


San Rafael, CA – Rep. Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael), Chair of the Water, Oceans, and Wildlife Subcommittee, lead a livestreamed forum yesterday to examine the impact of four aging dams on the Klamath River owned by PacifiCorp and Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway, which have made millions for PacifiCorp’s shareholders, but to the detriment of native communities and cultures, and those who depend on the river’s fish. 

“For centuries, the development of what has become modern-day America has come at the expense of its native peoples. Berkshire Hathaway – led by Warren Buffet, one of the world’s wealthiest individuals – purchased the company and has been reaping profits from these dams,” said Rep. Huffman. “While federal, state, and tribal governments push forward as hard as they can to realize a decade-old agreement to remove these dams, PacifiCorp has slow-walked, hedged, and delayed any meaningful action. Delay means more corporate profits for PacificCorp, while downstream tribes and communities continue to bear all the impacts. 

“If there’s one message from today’s hearing, it is this: we have no more room for delays, and we will not tolerate gaming of the recent Federal Energy Regulatory Commission decision in order to squeeze out more corporate profits at the expense of tribes, downstream communities, and the environment. It’s important for Congress and the public at large to understand the consequences of further delay. My congressional colleagues and I will use our oversight, and if necessary our legislative authority, to spotlight and address these consequences,” he concluded.    

huffman forum

The full event recording can be found here. Excerpts from the forum’s highlights can be found at the end of this press release.

Rep. Huffman was joined by State Senator Mike McGuire, Assemblymember Jim Wood, and members of the House Natural Resources Committee, including Rep. Ruben Gallego and a video appearance by Rep. Deb Haaland in questioning a panel of expert witnesses. 

The panel of experts included: Mr. Joseph L. James, Chairman, Yurok Tribe; Mr. Russell “Buster” Attebery, Chairman, Karuk Tribe; Mr. Glen Spain, Northwest Regional Director, Salmon Protection Program Director, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations; Dr. Jacob Kann, Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences, LLC; Dr. Jerri Bartholomew, Department Head of Microbiology, Professor & Director, J.L. Fryer Salmon Disease Laboratory, Oregon State University; Mr. Scott Bolton, Vice President, Pacific Power, a division of PacifiCorp part of Berkshire Hathaway Energy; Mr. Joaquin Esquivel, Chair, California State Water Resources Control Board.

panel photo 

Panelist Highlights from Yesterday’s Forum: “Examining the Impact of the Klamath Dams on Tribes, Fisheries, the Environment, and Downstream Stakeholders”

Yurok Tribe Chairman Mr. Joseph L. James: “One must acknowledge the history of injustice to Indian people, specifically the Yurok people. This difficult conversation about reconciliation and past injustice of different people of color is long overdue. The Klamath river is a provider for the Yurok people. Not just for the Yurok people but the people who live by the river benefit from it […] It is our job to look after the river that has rights […] Meanwhile the river is dying. It needs to be healed […] The Yurok people would not be who they are without salmon and salmon would not be who they are without the Yurok people.” 

State Senator Mike McGuire: “I also want to be clear today we need to tear these dams down now. It’s imperative to our environment, it’s imperative to our economy, and the Tribal communities that have called this sacred land home for centuries. We are facing constant crisis on the Klamath […] But there is a solution. A solution is in front of us: it’s taking these dams down now.”

Karuk Tribe Chairman Mr. Russell “Buster” Attebery: “Saying this is a state of emergency is an understatement […] This has to be a strong message that if we’re going to go any farther with this we’re going to lose the race […] For me the most important is we urge the owners to do the right thing and not destroy then entire culture along the Klamath river.”  

Mr. Glen Spain, Northwest Regional Director, Salmon Protection Program Director: “The KHSA is clearly the best option in town for everyone. As commercial fishing families, many of us PacifiCorp customers, we urge PacifiCorp to put a plan on the table.”

Mr. Joaquin Esquivel, Chair, California State Water Resources Control Board: “We know that demands for our freshwater resources continues to grow […] What is unique is the incredible opportunities to restore this watershed. […] It is critical to prepare for a more resilient future […] We have an obligation to right our past wrongs and meet the right moment.”   

Assemblymember Jim Wood: “Another four years is not acceptable. Another two years is not acceptable.”
