
May 13, 2022

Defending Reproductive Rights: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,Last week, I was outraged to see the leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade. Let me make sure one thing is very clear: in California and other states that care about women's rights, abortion will remain legal and safe.       But for millions of women in other states, the fundamental right to make their own decisions about abortion and potentially other reproductive services is about to be taken away by a radical Supreme Court. …  Continue Reading

May 12, 2022


Rep. Huffman has submitted funding requests for important community projects in California's Second Congressional District to the House Appropriations Committee. Under guidelines issued by the Appropriations Committee, each Representative may request funding for up to 15 projects in their community for fiscal year 2023 – although only a handful may actually be funded. Projects are restricted to a limited number of federal funding streams, and only state and local governments and …  Continue Reading

April 28, 2022

Tracing Russian Seafood, Cryptocurrency’s Climate Impact, Community Projects, and More: An Update from Rep. Jared Huffman

Hello,   Our team just wrapped up another very busy month, both on the Hill and back home in the district. On top of some big legislative accomplishments, it was great to have two weeks of uninterrupted time on the North Coast to hear directly from constituents – and I’d like to share some of the highlights.   America is taking strong and historically unprecedented steps to hold Russia accountable for its unprovoked war on Ukraine and impose crushing consequences …  Continue Reading

April 04, 2022

Celebrating Community Project Funding for the North Coast: An Update from Rep. Jared Huffman

Hello, Last week, I traveled throughout the North Coast and shared the news about some of the fantastic community projects for which I helped secure funding.  Below are some highlights from another great week in our district and some very productive work in Washington.  Petaluma Health Center  I kicked off the week with a visit at the Petaluma Health Center, which was awarded $1.6 million to build a solar panel installation. This will significantly cut costs for the …  Continue Reading

March 17, 2022

Over $11 Million on the Way for the North Coast: An Update from Rep. Jared Huffman

Hello,  I have some exciting news to share: this week President Joe Biden signed into law a historic funding package for the government and local programs that keep our country running. This year’s bill was particularly consequential, because for the first time in over a decade, it includes funding for community-based projects. And I’m incredibly pleased to share that I was able to secure more than $11.5 million for nine projects in our district. From affordable housing …  Continue Reading

March 01, 2022

What’s Happening in Congress? A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, It is incredibly heartbreaking and troubling to witness Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked and unjustified war break out in Ukraine. One thing is clear: Russia alone is responsible for the destruction and catastrophic loss of life this war will bring. Russia has violated the core principles that uphold global peace and security, seeking to change the borders of a sovereign country by force.   Along with our allies, we have and will continue to impose severe measures that will …  Continue Reading

February 03, 2022

What’s Happening in Congress? Economic Gains, Free COVID Tests, & Key Infrastructure Wins: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,January was a busy month for my team and me, and I’m excited to share the latest accomplishments of what we’ve been working on in Washington and at home in California’s Second District.   Strengthening the Economy Under President Biden’s leadership, we have done an excellent job of getting people back to work and the economy back on track. The numbers speak for themselves. According to …  Continue Reading

January 07, 2022

A Historic Year For The People: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,  As we start the new year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all we’ve been able to accomplish in 2021 — despite the many challenges we’ve faced as a nation.  While the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to affect families across the country, Democrats have been steadfast in our commitment to help hardworking families and advocate for public health in all communities. Although I am a Democrat, I was elected to serve everyone in our district. And from passing President Joe Biden’s …  Continue Reading

December 02, 2021

Delivering for Climate, Families, & Health Care: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, This past month was one of incredible legislative success for people in America. President Joe Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law and the House passed the Build Back Better Act, delivering transformational investments for families across the U.S. and historic climate action. We are also delivering unprecedented investments in affordable housing, rural broadband, home care, and an expansion of Medicare. Learn more about what's included in the …  Continue Reading

October 06, 2021

Working to Pass the President’s Agenda: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,September was another busy month for House Democrats making progress on our many priorities to serve you. Between working to fund the government, protect our economy from defaulting on debts incurred under multiple Presidential administrations, and ensuring we pass President Biden’s full Build Back Better agenda, there has been a lot going on. Here are a few highlights of the work I’ve been doing this past month. What We’ve Been Voting On: The National Defense …  Continue Reading

September 17, 2021

It’s Time to Act on Climate: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, We are in the middle of a climate crisis, and we’re running out of time to change course, decarbonize our economy, and preserve a livable planet. I believe the opportunity to pass a transformative reconciliation package with strong, climate-focused investments is one of our last, best chances to meet the moral, economic, environmental, and existential imperative of this crisis. I want you to know that I am fighting for foundational climate investments in the Build Back Better …  Continue Reading

September 07, 2021

Touring the North Coast with Biden Cabinet Official, Advocating for Wildfire Resources, and More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, August was a busy month for Congress, from connecting with countless community members during the district work period to returning to D.C. for crucial votes. First, I’d like to acknowledge that it has been tragic to watch the situation in Afghanistan unfold over the last couple of weeks. The way this devolved is not what any of us would have wanted and has been incredibly hard to witness, but I believe it was ultimately the right decision to end this decades-long war. And we should …  Continue Reading

August 04, 2021

Finding the Truth about January 6th, Protecting Oceans, Funding Community Priorities, and More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,We recently celebrated the 200th day of the 117th Congress, and House Democrats have accomplished a lot in this time for you, the people. Since January, I have introduced 19 bills, returned over $3 million dollars to folks in our district, provided assistance on federal issues to over 4,000 constituents with the help of the office’s excellent field representatives, and met with 481 constituents. In addition to passing President Joe Biden’s historic economic stimulus bill, the …  Continue Reading

July 15, 2021

Child Tax Credit Hits Bank Accounts of Hardworking Families: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, The past year has been a difficult one for families all across the U.S., but help is here. I'm happy to share the news that starting today, Thursday, July 15th, families across the country will automatically receive Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments as a part of the American Rescue Plan. The Child Tax Credit will help millions of hard-working families around the country and cut child poverty in half. House Democrats worked hard to secure these automatic payments, which put more …  Continue Reading

July 02, 2021

What’s Happening in Congress? Infrastructure, Climate Action, Student Competitions, and More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,   As I look back on the month of June, I am pleased with the work we have accomplished in Congress. I am especially proud to have voted to make Juneteenth a national holiday – recognition that’s long overdue. But the work for equity and racial justice is nowhere near done, and we must back this up with real policy changes to secure voting rights, end systemic racism, ensure Black history isn’t …  Continue Reading

June 02, 2021

What’s Happening in Congress? Oceans, Drought, Labor, and More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,   After a year of grim milestones, I’m happy to start off this message with some uplifting news: over 50% of adults in the U.S. are now fully vaccinated, according to White House senior Covid-19 adviser Andy Slavitt. I commend the Biden administration for its bold leadership, clear vision, and steadfast commitment to defeating the pandemic. This important milestone is a light at the end of the tunnel, but we still have a ways to go. If you still haven’t been …  Continue Reading

May 04, 2021

What’s Happening in Congress? Support for Families, Climate Action, and More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, After an unprecedented month of action, I can confidently say: America is back on track. In April we reached 100 days of the Biden administration, and that milestone brought a tremendous amount of achievements. This month we reached 200 million vaccines, recommitted to global climate leadership, and introduced historic investments in America to support working families, rebuild our economy, and restore the country’s …  Continue Reading

April 28, 2021


In spring of 2021, Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro announced that the House Committee on Appropriations will be accepting Community Project Funding (CPF) requests from Members. This is in addition to the standard programmatic and language-based requests. Each Member was limited to no more than 10 Community Project Funding requests across all subcommittees for Fiscal Year 2022 and there is no guarantee that all requested projects will be funded. Below are the details of the FY2022 CPF process. Please …  Continue Reading

April 27, 2021


The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) plans to advance surface transportation authorization legislation later this spring, building on H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, from the 116th Congress. Chairman Peter DeFazio announced that the T&I Committee will formally accept requests for projects from House Members. The T&I Committee process for considering member projects is separate and distinct from the House Committee on Appropriations' process for …  Continue Reading

March 31, 2021

What’s Happening in Congress? Infrastructure, USPS, Vaccines, and More: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello,Representing California’s Second District is a tremendous honor, and I’ve been hard at work over the past month to make progress on our priorities. Below are some highlights from the past month I’d like to share with you.   Advocating for Resilient Infrastructure   At the end of March, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg testified before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. I had the chance the question …  Continue Reading

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