It’s Time to Act on Climate: A Message from Rep. Huffman

September 17, 2021


We are in the middle of a climate crisis, and we’re running out of time to change course, decarbonize our economy, and preserve a livable planet. I believe the opportunity to pass a transformative reconciliation package with strong, climate-focused investments is one of our last, best chances to meet the moral, economic, environmental, and existential imperative of this crisis.

I want you to know that I am fighting for foundational climate investments in the Build Back Better Act to ensure the largest possible reductions in greenhouse gas pollution, raise billions from the fossil fuel industry, and mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. If done right, these investments will help meet President’s Biden goal of cutting the country’s climate pollution in half by 2030, create millions of good union jobs building the clean energy economy, advance environmental justice for our communities, and secure a safer and healthier future for our children.

Below are some of the steps I’m taking to ensure climate investments are front and center as we move forward with the Build Back Better Act.

  1. Urging House leadership to prioritize massive greenhouse gas pollution reductions through tools like clean energy tax incentives, investing in clean energy technology, and repealing special tax breaks for oil and gas companies to make sure they pay their fair share.
  2. Pushing for historic investments to protect the Outer Continental Shelf and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from future fossil fuel drilling through the House Natural Resources Committee portion of the Build Back Better Act, paving the way for more sustainable economic development in both areas.
  3. Uniting with my Democratic colleagues in the Natural Resources Committee to pass a number of investments, including investing billions of dollars in climate mitigation; raising billions of dollars through new fossil fuel fees and royalties on the extraction of public resources; and investing in health infrastructure for Indian Country and the U.S. Territories. These measures in the Build Back Better Act raise new public money and direct investments in job creation, environmental protection, and other public benefits.
  4. Leading the charge for vehicle electrification by advocating for consumer incentives for electric vehicles, support for clean car manufacturing in the United States, investments in the strategic deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure to ensure accessibility, reliability, and equity, and leveraging the purchasing power of the federal government to speed the electrification of federal fleet vehicles.
  5. Working to pass an historic $4 billion grant program for tackling surface transportation-related greenhouse gas pollution in our transportation sector. The Transportation & Infrastructure Committee is also working to invest in sustainable aviation fuel and low emissions aviation technologies, as well as greening the footprint of our federal buildings.

It's clear to me the Build Back Better Act is the only avenue for seriously tackling the climate crisis in this Congress. In the days ahead I will continue working with House and Senate colleagues to ensure that the clean energy, transportation, and climate investments in the Build Back Better Act meet the urgency of this moment. We can’t afford anything less.

If you would like to keep up with the work I am doing as your representative, please subscribe to my newsletter, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Thank you, and stay well, 

Jared Huffman
Member of Congress