Tribal Affairs
California’s North Coast is rich with indigenous diversity. In fact, there are more than 25 federally recognized tribes in California’s 2nd District- more than any other single congressional district outside of the state of Alaska. Throughout my time in Congress, I have proudly worked with tribes to address the various issues affecting their communities from missing and murdered indigenous people to critical infrastructure.
These Tribes include:
Elk Valley Rancheria, California
Resighini Rancheria, California/Coast Indian Community
Tolowa Dee-Ni' Nation (formerly Smith River Rancheria)
Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation, California
Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria, California
Big Lagoon Rancheria, California
Blue Lake Rancheria, California
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria, California
Hoopa Valley Tribe, California
Wiyot Tribe, California
Karuk Tribe
Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria
Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California
Guidville Rancheria of California
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians, California
Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester Rancheria
Noyo River Indian Community
Pinoleville Pomo Nation, California
Potter Valley Tribe, California
Redwood Valley or Little River Band of Pomo Indians of the Redwood Valley Rancheria, California
Round Valley Indian Tribes, Round Valley Reservation, California
Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Mishewal-Wappo Tribe of Alexander Valley
Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians, California
Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria, California
Lytton Rancheria of California
Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, California
Nor Rel Muk Wintu Nation
Tsnungwe Council
Living up to the promises the United States has made to Native Americans may not be easy, but it is necessary. I am working with my colleagues on the Natural Resources Committee to help improve tribal access to health care, justice, housing, education, and sustainable economic growth.
Many tribes still retain fishery and water rights, including on some of California’s most productive salmon strongholds. It is imperative that we continue to honor our trust responsibilities to Native American Tribes and work together to make sure that our rivers, streams, and native fish populations remain healthy for future generations.
Since my first term, I have been passionately fighting for removing four dilapidated dams on the Klamath River that have wreaked havoc for decades – harming tribes, commercial and sport fishermen, the health of the environment, and the economies of California and Oregon. This is finally happening! This is going to be the largest river restoration in American history. I am immensely proud to have been an active partner in these efforts, working alongside steadfast advocates to right this wrong and restore balance to the river.
To close out the 117th Congress, my bill with Senator Padilla to return sacred ground to the Karuk Tribe became law. The Katimiîn and Ameekyáaraam Sacred Lands Act will place federal lands located in Humboldt and Siskiyou counties in California into trust for the Karuk Tribe, rectifying a historic injustice.
January 29, 2025
In Letter to Trump, Huffman, Leger Fernández, House and Senate Colleagues Demand a Stop to Unconscionable ICE Harassment of Native American Citizens
December 11, 2024
Rep. Huffman Unveils Offshore Renewable Energy Legislation Discussion Draft, Requests Public Input
October 22, 2024
The Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria Receive Ranchland
August 08, 2024
Huffman Partners with Tribes, DOE to Bring Home $88 Million for Renewable Energy Project
May 20, 2024
Rep. Huffman Calls on Admin to Consult with Tribes in Offshore Wind Development
March 26, 2024
Reps. Huffman, Schiff Introduce Bill to Address Crisis of Missing & Murdered Indigenous People, Promote Communication Between Tribal & State/Local Law Enforcement
February 14, 2024
Huffman Celebrates Landmark Agreement with Klamath Basin Tribes, Project Irrigators to Collaborate on Ecosystem Restoration and Water Reliability in Klamath Basin
November 17, 2023
Huffman Statement on PG&E Plan to Remove Eel River Dams, Ensure Water Supply
September 13, 2023
Huffman, Padilla Call on DOJ to Dedicate Personnel to Bring Justice to Missing or Murdered Indigenous People in California
July 19, 2023
GAO Responds to Lawmakers Request Letter for Study on Inequitable Justice System Facing Tribal Nations
June 27, 2023
Huffman, Padilla, Murkowski, Merkley Call for GAO to Study Inequitable Justice System Facing Tribal Nations in Different States
May 05, 2023
Reps. Huffman, Grijalva, Newhouse Introduce Resolution to Designate National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls
December 08, 2022
Largest River Restoration Project in American History Set to Begin
August 26, 2022
ICYMI: Huffman Announces More Than $126.8 Million in Grants to Expand High-Speed Internet Access on Tribal Land in California
August 23, 2022
Rep. Huffman Announces $1.6 Million Grant for Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation Project
June 22, 2022
Huffman, Padilla, Feinstein Introduce Legislation to Transfer Sacred Land from the Forest Service to the Karuk Tribe
June 07, 2022
Huffman Announces Funding for North Coast Cultural and Educational Organizations Impacted by Pandemic
May 09, 2022
Huffman Announces Over $1 Million in Historic Preservation Grants North Coast Tribes
November 18, 2021
Huffman Introduces Bill to Restore Sacred Land to Karuk Tribe
September 22, 2021
Huffman Announces Multimillion Dollar Education Grant for Yurok Tribe
September 22, 2021
Rep. Huffman, Chair Grijalva, and Rep. DeGette lead 60 Members in Urging President Biden Support Repeal of Arctic Refuge Drilling Program in Build Back Better Act
March 04, 2021
Fight of the River People
February 04, 2021
Rep. Huffman and Senator Markey Re-Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
February 04, 2021
Democrats seek to block further Arctic drilling
December 21, 2020
Rep. Huffman and Senator Markey to Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the New Congress
November 17, 2020
Huffman Celebrates Deal to Keep Klamath Dam Removal on Track
October 14, 2020
Huffman Announces Education Grants for Native Communities
September 24, 2020
Huffman Tribal Fairness Amendment Passes as Part of Clean Energy Package
September 11, 2020
Huffman, Grijalva, Haaland Call on Warren Buffett to Follow Through on Promise to Remove Dams, Provide Justice for Tribes
September 01, 2020
Huffman, DeFazio Urge EPA Administrator to Protect Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine
August 26, 2020
Huffman Statement on Pebble Mine Permitting Decision
August 19, 2020
Rep. Huffman Highlights Urgent Need for Dam Removal During Investigative Forum
August 14, 2020
Livestreamed Committee Event August 18: “Examining the Impact of the Klamath Dams on Tribes, Fisheries, the Environment, and Downstream Stakeholders”
July 30, 2020
Huffman Introduces Legislation to Protect Polar Bear Cubs from Oil Development in Arctic Refuge
July 24, 2020
Huffman Advances North Coast, Environmental Wins in First Round of Appropriations
May 07, 2020
Huffman Leads Bipartisan Effort to Support Fishermen, Protect Food Supply Chain
May 01, 2020
Huffman, Grijalva, Subcommittee Chairs Request DOI Inspector General Investigate Alaska Native Corporation Eligibility for Tribal Relief Funding
April 09, 2020
Huffman, Case, Cunningham, Graves Advocate for Fisheries Relief in Bipartisan Letter
June 11, 2019
Huffman, 53 Lawmakers to Army Corps of Engineers: Block the Proposed Pebble Mine
February 28, 2019
Rep. Huffman Introduces Lytton Rancheria Tribal Land Legislation
February 08, 2017
Rep. Huffman, Senate, House Natural Resource Leaders Blast Dakota Access Pipeline Decision, Stand up for Tribal Sovereignty and Treaty Rights
January 25, 2017
Rep. Huffman Speaks Out Against President Trump's Move to Revive Keystone XL & Dakota Access Pipeline
January 12, 2017
Huffman, DeFazio, Wyden, Merkley Secure Critical 20 Year Mining Ban in Southwestern Oregon, Smith River Watershed
December 04, 2016
Rep. Huffman Applauds the Obama Administration’s Move to Deny Easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline
November 15, 2016
Reps. Huffman, Grijalva, 21 Members of Congress, Recommend Steps to President Obama to De-escalate Tensions at Dakota Access Pipeline
February 02, 2016
Rep. Huffman applauds pact between Feds, California, Oregon and PacifiCorp to remove Klamath River dams in 2020
December 03, 2015
Rep. Huffman Statement on Klamath River Basin
August 25, 2015
Rep. Huffman Secures $500,000 Grant for Organization Supporting Native American Small Businesses
May 22, 2015
Rep. Huffman Introduces Bill to allow Lytton Rancheria to take tribal land into trust for housing and other non-gaming purposes
July 29, 2014
Huffman leads Northern California Letter Opposing Bay Delta Conservation Plan
May 22, 2014
Huffman Statement on Senate Introduction of Klamath Basin Legislation