
March 02, 2021

What’s Happening in Congress? Public Lands Protection, COVID-19 Vaccine & Relief, and More

Hello,   I hope you and yours are continuing to stay safe and healthy. This month the U.S. reached a devastating milestone – we surpassed 500,000 deaths due to the coronavirus. It’s a staggering loss. Half a million is more than a number, it represents loved ones, relatives, coworkers, and friends. I closed out the month in Washington D.C, pushing for necessary COVID-19 relief to get …  Continue Reading

February 17, 2021

We Have a Winner! A Message from Rep. Huffman on the Homemade Mask Contest

Hello,    Thank you again to all who participated in our mask competition. We had an amazing number of submissions. The votes have been tallied, and I’m excited to congratulate our winner, Chris P! Chris is an Eagle Scout in Marin county who created homemade masks for over 800 pediatric patients at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital.   Back in June, before child-sized masks were …  Continue Reading

January 11, 2021

Action I’m Taking to Defend Our Democracy

Hello, It has been a traumatic week for America. The actions taken to incite insurrection at the Capitol last week demand accountability. Many of you have reached out asking what steps I am taking to defend our democracy and hold President Trump accountable, so I'd like to share with you this update on my recent actions. I have joined: Articles of Impeachment that I expect to vote on this week, which were introduced in the House today along with 213 colleagues. A resolution calling …  Continue Reading

January 04, 2021

116th Congress In Review

2020 was a year like no other. Together we faced a global pandemic, reckoned with racial injustice, battled wildfires, and defended democracy through an unprecedented election. Our community has risen to these challenges and has shown incredible compassion and creativity supporting one another in these difficult times. As we came together by staying apart, your civic engagement has made all the difference. During the historic two years that made up the 116th session of Congress, you shared …  Continue Reading

December 10, 2020

Inauguration Tickets Update

Hello, I am still hard at work on year-end business including COVID relief, federal funding bills that cover key priorities for our district, and getting ready for the new congressional session that begins in January -- but I wanted to take a moment to update you on the upcoming presidential inauguration. I've received a lot of inquiries about tickets to the inaugural ceremonies to be held in January in Washington, and I know President-elect Biden's team is working hard to figure out how …  Continue Reading

December 09, 2020

Did You Miss Our Presidential Transition Town Hall?

Last week, I had the honor of hosting a virtual town hall to discuss and answer questions on the upcoming Presidential Transition, challenges to election results, and the importance of accountability and the role Congress plays in oversight. I was excited to be joined by Caroline Fredrickson a Senior Fellow for Brennan Center for Justice and formerly the president of the American Constitution Society, the leading progressive legal organization in the country. My other …  Continue Reading

November 24, 2020

Mask Competition

Hello, As coronavirus cases continue to rise across the nation, we all have the power to do more to keep ourselves and other people safe. This means following public health recommendations, wearing a face mask in public spaces, observing six-feet social distancing, and frequently washing our hands for 20 seconds with soap and water. The public health experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) specifically recommend wearing a face mask in public settings to …  Continue Reading

November 11, 2020

Honoring Our Veterans

Hello,Every Veterans Day, we honor those who have dedicated themselves in service to our nation. To America's veterans: thank you for your dedication to this country. This Veterans Day, we commit to honoring our veterans by remembering their service, expressing our gratitude for their sacrifices, and delivering on the promises we've made to them. But we must do more than say "thank you for your service." We owe the men and women who bravely serve our nation in the military, and their …  Continue Reading

November 05, 2020

Don't Fall Victim to Disaster Scams: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, This year we have faced many challenges together, including a mismanaged pandemic and historic wildfires. Unfortunately, there are some who would take advantage of Americans who are dealing with these crises: we have seen an increase in fraud, scams, and fake COVID cures. I want to prevent you and your loved ones from becoming a victim of one of these scams. Below are a few resources created by the House Energy and Commerce that I hope will help you spot scams when you see them. …  Continue Reading

August 25, 2020

Wildfire Resource Guide: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, The wildfires we're experiencing this month are some of the largest our state has ever seen, but Californians have learned through experience just what it takes to make it through these disasters. After several years working with wildfire survivors, I know how complicated and daunting the recovery process can be. This year, we have an added threat that requires adapting the way we respond to fires - the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why I've developed a new Wildfire Resource …  Continue Reading

August 18, 2020

The Urgent Need to Protect the Post Office and U.S. Elections: A Message from Rep. Huffman

Hello, The Postal Service is a pillar of our democracy, enshrined in the Constitution and essential for providing critical services that we all rely on, including delivering prescriptions, Social Security benefits, paychecks, tax returns, and absentee ballots to millions of Americans, including in rural communities that are often underserved. This summer, President Trump and his newly installed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy are pushing forward sweeping new operational changes that …  Continue Reading

August 14, 2020

Celebrating 85 Years of Social Security

85 years ago today, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act of 1935 into law. With President Roosevelt's signature, our nation made a down payment on a core promise: that after a lifetime of hard work, every American deserves to age with dignity and economic security. FDR Signing the Social Security Act 1 in 5 Americans now relies solely on Social Security for income -- in our district alone, 157,497 people receive earned benefits. Existing Social …  Continue Reading

August 03, 2020

Your Opinion on Expired Unemployment Benefits

Hello, In May, the House passed the Heroes Act to get more relief into the hands of Americans. After months of inaction, the Senate released their plan which proposed a $400 cut to the expanded unemployment benefits created by the CARES Act. Last Friday, these lifelines for millions of American families expired. Do You Think Congress Should Extend Unemployment Benefits to Help Workers and Families? YES NO Click 'yes' or 'no' above to submit your answer …  Continue Reading

July 02, 2020

Weekly Update From Rep. Huffman

Hello,Happy Fourth of July! This weekend is a time to celebrate America, and it's important that we remember to keep the country and everyone in it safe. Festivities this year will, can, and should, look different. Enjoy our public lands, join with family when safe - but keep in mind the pandemic is resurging. It is more important than ever to wear a mask, avoid crowded areas, and practice good hygiene. In California, wildfire season is 24/7: so please, do not use fireworks and report any …  Continue Reading

June 24, 2020

Weekly Update from Rep. Huffman

Hello,  Today, I’m on my way to Washington, D.C. for several days of historic votes. We will be considering some of the most important bills we’ll see this session, including the Justice in Policing Act and the Moving Forward Act – a landmark infrastructure bill which includes many of my own bills to secure priorities for northwest California.  My team and I have been hard at work, and I’d like to briefly share with …  Continue Reading

June 17, 2020

Weekly Update from Rep. Huffman

Hello, Last night, I had the honor of hosting a town hall on police reform and equal justice alongside some very special guests. My longtime friend and colleague, Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Karen Bass, joined us to give us an expert deep dive into the Justice in Policing Act of 2020. We were also fortunate to have two of my own constituents provide their own much-needed perspectives, Dr. Curtis Robinson and Marshall Carr. Together, they all answered pressing questions about the …  Continue Reading

June 03, 2020

Weekly Update from Rep Huffman

"If you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something about it." - John Lewis Hello, We are at a crossroads in our country. This can be a moment that brings moral clarity and focus on confronting our country's original sin, racism, and ending the decades of systemic police abuse that fuels our racial divides. There is real anger, anxiety, division, and fear in this moment, and some will try to exploit it for sinister purposes. But here in …  Continue Reading

May 27, 2020

Weekly Update from Rep. Huffman

Hello, I hope you had a safe and happy Memorial Day. This holiday is an important time to reflect on, honor, and appreciate all those who have died in service to our country. This year, the Memorial Day weekend also marks the solemn milestone of 100,000 American lives lost so far to the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as our military pledges to leave no one behind on the war battlefield, we must resolve to do more to protect every American from the ravages of this deadly pandemic. Select Committee …  Continue Reading

May 21, 2020

Weekly Update From Rep. Huffman

Hello, I hope you are staying safe and well. Thank you all for doing your part to stay home and slow the spread. As the state and individual counties begin to ease restrictions, please continue practicing safe social distancing to prevent another spike in infections. We are not out of the woods, and our collective efforts all matter. My team and I have been hard at work, and I'd like to briefly share with you some of what I've been doing as your representative in Congress. The Heroes Act …  Continue Reading

May 16, 2020

A Message From Rep. Huffman on the Heroes Act

Hello, Yesterday, I flew back to Washington D.C. to vote on two historic pieces of legislation to get relief to Americans and ensure Congress can act and exercise its responsibilities during this crisis. We have not seen a catastrophe like this in over a century, and that requires extraordinary measures to protect this country and save lives. I won't sugar coat this - I don't anticipate this crisis ending any time soon. I believe it will require unprecedented federal response, and Congress …  Continue Reading

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