Weekly Update from Rep. Huffman
Last night, I had the honor of hosting a town hall on police reform and equal justice alongside some very special guests. My longtime friend and colleague, Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Karen Bass, joined us to give us an expert deep dive into the Justice in Policing Act of 2020. We were also fortunate to have two of my own constituents provide their own much-needed perspectives, Dr. Curtis Robinson and Marshall Carr. Together, they all answered pressing questions about the work of equal justice and police reform, and shared their own personal experiences as Black Americans.
I hope many of you were able to tune in to watch this discussion and participate in the virtual dialogue on such an important issue during this pivotal time in the nation’s history. If you missed the event or would like to see it again, you can view it here.
Legislative Action to Fight For Justice
Systemic racism and injustices against Black people and communities of color have been tolerated in this country for far too long. I hope this is our moment of reckoning: a chance for Americans to finally confront our original sin of racism and change the systems and policies that have perpetuated it.
I’d like to share with you some of the legislative action I am supporting as Congress works to do its part in dismantling unfair systems and policies to create a more just and equitable America for everyone.
Read more on my work to fight for racial justice and police accountability here.
Increasing Wildfire Safety by Building More Reliable Power Grids
Wildfires no longer have a season; they are with us year round. While Public Safety Power Shutoffs can be a necessary tool to prevent catastrophic fires, we cannot compound the crises our communities in California are up against with unsustainable power shut offs. We need to find a better way to provide public safety. Last week, I introduced the Utility Reliability and Resilience Act with several of my Northern California colleagues to combat this problem. Our bill will improve the strength and dependability of the electrical grid to avoid these far-ranging power outages.
Virtual Office Hours Each week I’ve been making myself available to constituents across the second district through virtual office hours on Facebook Live. This time is extremely valuable and I appreciate the chance to connect directly with my constituents. This week, I’ll be joined by Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Superintendent of Public Schools, to answer your questions live. I hope you can join us this Friday June 19 at 3pm PT at facebook.com/rephuffman/live.
If you would like to keep up with what I am doing, please subscribe to my newsletter, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Please don’t hesitate to contact my office for assistance if you are in need. You can find your local district office contact on my website here, where you can also find resources to help you and your family access federal resources including individual payments, unemployment, housing, food, educational resources, and more.
Thank you, and stay well,
Jared Huffman
Member of Congress
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