Make Sure You're Counted in the 2020 Census

March 09, 2020



As spring quickly approaches, you will start to hear more about the 2020 Census. The Census only happens once a decade and determines how billions of dollars are allocated for water treatment, fire stations, health services, and countless other essential programs that impact our daily lives including programs such as Medicaid, affordable housing, and food stamps.

By participating in the 2020 Census you will be doing your part to ensure that we can address the most pressing issues facing our community and California. So make sure your voice is heard by visiting Your response can help determine the future for the next ten years. Remember to list everyone residing in your home, including your kids. 

I want to make clear that there will be NO citizenship question. Your information will be confidential and cannot be used against you by government agencies like ICE. Census Bureau employees are sworn to protect your privacy, and it is illegal for them to disclose your private information. 

Watch my 2020 Census Video Announcement below:


For more information on 2020 Census FAQ's, click here.


We ALL count, and we all get to shape the future by participating in the 2020 Census.

With Best Regards,

Jared Huffman
Member of Congress