Stop Project 2025 Task Force Launches Confidential Tip Line for Trump’s Secret 180-Day Takeover Plan

Initiative follows Huffman, Pressley demand for Heritage to come before Congress and release undisclosed “playbook” of early executive actions

September 19, 2024

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives Jared Huffman (CA-02) and Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), co-founders of the Stop Project 2025 Task Force, released a statement following the Heritage Foundation’s failure to respond to the lawmakers’ request to release secret 180-Day Playbook and come before Congress to answer questions about. The lawmakers are launching a confidential tip line and encouraging members of the public to come forward with any information about the hidden “Fourth Pillar” of Project 2025.

“The American people are deeply and rightfully alarmed about Trump's Project 2025 – and we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg since its architects refuse to disclose the secret ‘Fourth Pillar’ of executive orders and emergency actions that would roll out in the first hours of a second Trump presidency. The MAGA authors of Project 2025 proclaim that it is part of a ‘second American revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it be.’ Yet the American people on the left, right, and center want nothing to do with this ‘revolution.’ They understand that Trump’s Project 2025 is a dangerous scheme to take over the government, pack it with partisan loyalists, and control the lives of everyone who calls America home. The feckless leader of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, is afraid to respond to our inquiry about the secret ‘Fourth Pillar’ but he has already said the quiet part out loud by admitting that Heritage is keeping this critical part of Project 2025 secret because it is too controversial for the public to see.  

“The public deserves to know what executive orders, emergency declarations, and other presidential directives have been secretly prepared for Trump to make good on his vow to be a Day One Dictator. Trump’s extremism knows no bounds; and armed with absolute immunity from the Supreme Court and the Project 2025 takeover plan to dismantle checks and balances, it would be very hard to stop him.

“We are not surprised that the architects of Trump’s Project 2025 have ignored our request for disclosure of their secret ‘Fourth Pillar. But that certainly doesn’t mean we’ll end our work to expose the breathtaking extremism of their agenda, including the secret annex that they consider the most controversial part of their takeover plan. It’s time for Heritage and its Trump-affiliated coalition to stop hiding the ball. 

“To that end, our Stop Project 2025 Task Force has decided to launch a tip line to gather any and all information about the hidden ‘Fourth Pillar’ of Project 2025.

“Given the scorched-earth extremism of the published parts of Trump’s Project 2025, and the evasiveness Heritage and its coalition have shown in hiding the most controversial elements of their scheme, we call upon the public—anyone who may have seen, authored, or come across any part of the secret ‘Fourth Pillar’ of Project 2025—to share what information they have through our dedicated tip line. The American people deserve to see the secret 180-Day Playbook for a second Trump presidency so that they can understand how it would impact their government and their lives. We will therefore do whatever we can to bring this hidden plan to light.”

To submit a tip, fill out this form here. The Stop Project 2025 Task Force will carefully protect the privacy of anyone who comes forward.

Earlier this summer, the Stop Project 2025 Task Force invited the authors of Project 2025 to discuss their plan before Congress and publish the 180-Day Playbook without edits or redaction so that the public can openly scrutinize it and understand what it would portend for their lives. But even though they have actively promoted the rest of their plan, they have yet to release this final pillar.

As the public continues to uncover new details about Trump’s Project 2025 and the agenda of former president’s allies, concerns have grown about what could be hidden in the 180-Day Playbook. Based on the published Project 2025 Policy Agenda and comments from the plan’s architects, it is suspected the secret 180-Day Playbook could include executive actions to:

  • Exploit extraordinary emergency authorities such as the Insurrection Act to deploy the military or national guard as a domestic police force and stifle protests or declare martial law.
  • Unilaterally criminalize reproductive healthcare nationwide, ban medication abortion, restrict access to contraception, and prohibit certain fertility treatments without congressional consent as called for in the published portion of Project 2025.
  • Implement Project 2025’s recommendations to eliminate the Department of Education, end Head Start, stamp out overtime pay, and roll back other public services and protections for working Americans.

Reps. Huffman and Pressley are founding members of a Congressional Task Force designed to stop Project 2025, a nearly thousand-page blueprint for Donald Trump to seize “supreme” powers and control the lives of every person who calls America home. The Stop Project 2025 Task Force was announced by Rep. Huffman in June and its members are leaders on many of the issues currently under attack by Project 2025.

As founder of the Task Force, Rep. Huffman has repeatedly sounded the alarm on Project 2025, a bucket list of extremist policies that would uproot every government agency to take over the government, eliminate checks and balances, and roll back rights and freedoms. 

  • On July 30, 2024, Rep. Huffman issued a statement on reports that Paul Dans is stepping down from his role as the head of Project 2025.
  • On July 17, 2024, Rep. Jared Huffman sent a letter decrying the FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr for crafting part of Project 2025 in his official capacity as an executive-level employee of the federal government.
