Rep. Huffman Statement on Highway 37 Partnership Agreement

February 08, 2023

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) released a statement today regarding the partnership agreement signed by the California Transportation and Natural Resource agencies over the fate of Highway 37:

“I’m pleased that this agreement, for the first time, acknowledges many of the problems I have been highlighting regarding the so-called “interim” project, a 10-mile-long widening of the existing roadway that will fill wetlands, impede restoration, cost at least $500M, and be under water 15 years after completion. A few months ago, the lead planner for this deeply flawed project characterized my concerns as “noise,” so it’s encouraging that MTC and CalTrans are perhaps starting to be more clear-eyed about the project. I’m also grateful that they acknowledge, again for the first time, that unlike the broadly-supported ultimate project – a multi-benefit, multi-modal elevated causeway – the interim project is quite controversial and does not have the “consensus” they have previously represented.  Being honest about stakeholder concerns is a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, despite these suggestions of potential progress, this partnership agreement is carefully worded to avoid any binding, enforceable provisions. The “commitments” it contains are also vague and subject to their overriding imperative of finalizing a flawed environmental impact report for the interim project and implementing that project without any major changes. Those who share my concerns about the interim project and those who share my strong support for the ultimate project will need to stay engaged and keep working to ensure that the improved messaging reflected in this partnership agreement translates to actual improvements in the interim project.”