Rep. Huffman Stands in Solidary with People’s Climate March; Introduces Keep it in the Ground Act

April 28, 2017

Washington, D.C.- As thousands of Americans gather for the People’s Climate March this weekend, Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) today introduced the ‘Keep it in the Ground Act’ to reduce carbon emissions and break our nation’s addiction to fossil fuels by permanently barring new fossil fuel leases on all federal public lands and in federal waters.

“This Saturday marks the 100th day of the historically dismal Donald Trump presidency and his all-out war on the environment,” said Rep. Huffman. “Lost in the broader problems of the Trump Presidency, many of this White House’s actions to undermine public health and roll back key environmental protections are flying below the radar, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight back. As thousands of citizens across the country march this weekend to call for a clean energy future and responsible science-based action on climate change, we’ll be acting in Congress in solidarity. Science says that we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground to protect the planet for future generations, and that’s what we will fight in Congress to do. After all, our public lands and oceans – and the fossil fuel deposits beneath them – belong to the American people, not to oil and gas companies. The ‘Keep It in the Ground Act’ represents a crucial step that the federal government can take to protect the public, reduce carbon pollution, and fight dangerous climate change.”

"With Trump passing executive orders right and left to hand our future to the fossil fuel industry, we need this legislation more than ever before,” said Executive Director, May Boeve. “The science is clear that keeping oil, coal, and gas in the ground is how we’re going to curb the climate crisis. This bill outlines a path toward that goal, and it will take the work of movements to reach our destination — a clean energy economy that works for all. We've been building those movements and gaining momentum, from Standing Rock to the Peoples Climate March and beyond.”

Specifically, this legislation would:

·         Stop new leases and end non-producing leases for coal, oil, gas, oil shale and tar sands on all Federal lands;

·         Stop new leases and end non-producing leases for offshore drilling in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico; and

·         Prohibit offshore drilling in the Arctic and the Atlantic.

The legislation is co-sponsored by Matthew Cartwright (D-PA), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), James P. McGovern (D-MA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), Mike Quigley (D-IL), Jamie Raskin (D-MD), and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).

Rep. Huffman also introduced the “Keep it in the Ground Act” in the 114th Congress.

The Senate version of the “Keep it in the Ground Act” was introduced by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) on March 29, 2017. 
