Rep. Huffman Applauds Jason Rezaian’s Peaceful Release from Iran

January 17, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) released the following statement today after official confirmation that Jason Rezaian, Washington Post reporter and Marin native, has been safely released from the Iranian prison where he had been held for more than 500 days:

"Words cannot express the relief that we feel today, knowing that Jason's long and unjust captivity has at last come to an end. Jason and his family have been at the forefront of my thoughts for the past eighteen months, and I am deeply grateful to all of those who worked tirelessly to secure his safe release. 

Unfortunately, there will be those who try to use Jason’s and the other prisoners’ release to score political points, but I caution against this. Instead, I ask that we all celebrate this happy occasion for Jason, his family, and the families of the other Americans who had been unjustly imprisoned.  

In a perfect world, of course we wouldn't have to negotiate or make compromises to win the freedom of innocent Americans. But we do not live in a perfect world, and I commend Secretary Kerry and the Obama administration for concluding a deal that secures Jason's freedom without compromising our national security interests.   

I truly hope that Jason’s release signifies that moderates within the Iranian government are steering their country toward a more peaceful and productive relationship with the United States.  In the meantime, I know millions of Americans today share a sense of joy and deep relief that Jason and the other Americans are free, and that their freedom was secured through peaceful and diplomatic means."
