Huffman Votes Against House Farm Bill

July 11, 2013

WASHINGTON­—Following his “No” vote on the controversial House Farm Bill, Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) issued the following statement:

“The last flawed Farm Bill wasn’t extreme enough for the Tea Party, so GOP leadership has decided to drop its nutrition and SNAP provisions entirely, potentially leaving millions of low-income families across America hungry. This split Farm Bill is a window into a deeply dysfunctional Republican caucus which unfortunately has serious consequences for the entire country,” Congressman Huffman said. “By trying to appease the Tea Party fringe, the House GOP leadership has once again missed an opportunity for progress on bipartisan legislation, which does not bode well for the critical issues facing Congress this year. I urge Republican leadership to quickly bring a bill to reauthorize the SNAP program to the House floor, and to go to conference with the Senate as soon as possible.”