Huffman Introduces Bill to Help Sustain West Coast Fishing Communities

July 11, 2013

WASHINGTON­—Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) introduced bipartisan legislation to help sustain fishing communities and support jobs along the Pacific coast by refinancing a key fishing industry loan. This is Congressman Huffman’s second piece of legislation to be introduced since taking office in January. Huffman was joined by Congresswoman Jaime Hererra-Beutler (R-WA), Congressman Mike Thompson (D-CA), Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Congressman Don Young (R-AK), and Congressman David Reichert (R-WA). Companion legislation was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Patty Murray (D-WA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Mark Begich (D-AK).

The Revitalizing the Economy of Fisheries in the Pacific Act of 2013 (REFI Act), H.R. 2646, would refinance a federal loan to the West Coast groundfish fishery that was used to reduce the number of vessels targeting groundfish like sole, sablefish, and rockfish. This bill will allow the West Coast trawl fleet to repay the loan in full and at a manageable rate, ensuring the survival and economic vitality of this vital industry. Huffman’s bill would refinance the loan at today’s low interest rates and cap the corresponding fee charged to each fishing boat at landing. 

“The success of our local fishermen is essential to the health of the North Coast’s economy, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to repay the debt on a decade-old federal loan. The combination of interest payments, new fees, and rising fuel costs are putting small businesses in our coastal communities at risk,” Congressman Huffman said. “The REFI Act will simply let the fishermen refinance their existing loan at today’s lower interest rates—just like any other homeowner or business owner would do. It’s a win-win for small businesses and the environment.”

“Our commercial fishers have been diligently repaying their loans, but in these tough economic times the repayment terms are making it nearly impossible for them to stay in business,” said Thompson. “The fishing industry is at the heart of California’s coastal economy. Our small boat fishers and the businesses that depend on them will see even greater economic harm if we do not address this problem. This legislation will save Pacific Coast fisheries millions of dollars every year, allowing more money to be spent on local businesses. Not only will this legislation save local jobs, it will help create jobs.”

“The fishing industry is at the heart of our local economy and will remain vibrant because Congressmen Huffman listened, understood and acted upon the needs of fishermen,” said Michelle Norvell, Project Manager, Fort Bragg Groundfish Association. “This legislation will save fishermen in the Pacific Coast Groundfish millions of dollars per year which means more money in the pockets of fishermen to grow their operations, help strengthen port infrastructure and increase jobs.  We are extremely grateful for Congressman Huffman’s leadership on this very important fishery issue.”

“This bill will provide much-needed relief to the folks in Southwest Washington whose livelihoods depend on fishing,” said Herrera Beutler.  “Conditions have changed in both the economy and the fishing industry since these loans were issued, and too many small fishing businesses up and down our coast are struggling to keep afloat financially.  I’m proud to lead this solution with Senator Cantwell, Congressman Huffman and a bipartisan group of our colleagues who want to help save fishing jobs and reduce the squeeze on fishermen’s bottom lines.”

“The fishing industry is crucial to our state’s $10.8 billion coastal economy,” said Cantwell. “In Washington state and Alaska, we have some of the most sustainable fisheries in the world. This bill helps put fishing businesses on a level playing field with other businesses getting federal loans. Groundfish fishermen will receive the flexibility they need to grow their businesses and help spur economic activity in communities all along our coast.”

Originally introduced by Congressman Thompson as H.R. 6362 in the 112th Congress, this bill received bipartisan support from Members of Congress from California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. The legislation will be referred to the Natural Resources Committee, on which Huffman serves.
