Huffman Votes against GOP Bill that Underfunds Education

July 19, 2013

WASHINGTON­—Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 5, a House Republican education bill that would undermine America’s schools, students, and future generations.

“America’s future depends on a strong investment in education, and the House GOP bill underfunds education, lowers standards, and weakens protections for disadvantaged students,” Congressman Huffman said. “We need to replace the outdated, overly rigid mandates of No Child Left Behind, but slashing funding and lowering standards and protections is the wrong way to do that.”

Among the many harmful provisions included in the bill, Huffman highlighted the following:

H.R. 5 locks in reduced “sequester” levels for education funding.

  • Cuts funding by over $1 billion below FY2012 funding levels, and does not allow Congress to provide additional funding above sequester levels.
  • Cuts $9 million in authorization for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which helps homeless students and children access education and support services.
  • Prioritizes using limited education funds to pay off the national debt instead of improving support for students.

H.R. 5 cuts public school dollars while directing more taxpayer dollars to private entities.

  • Forces states to spend part of their funds on private entities and increases ways for private schools to get federal dollars instead of school districts.

H.R. 5 does not ensure all children receive an equal, quality education.

  • Allows students with disabilities to be taught to separate, lower standards.
  • Eliminates requirements that schools improve the education of English language learners each year.

Congressman Huffman voted to replace H.R. 5 with the Democratic substitute amendment, which would provide robust funding levels, replace the outdated, rigid mandates of No Child Left Behind, and maintain civil rights and equity protections that ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed.
