Huffman: Climate Change Threatens Future Winter Olympics, Winter Sports Industry

February 11, 2014

WASHINGTON­—Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) spoke on the House floor today and noted that climate change threatens the future of the winter Olympics and the United States’ $66 billion winter sports industry.

“Climate change is threatening the very concept of the Winter Olympics and snow sports in general. Warmer winters and less snow will be disastrous to the United States’ $66 billion ski industry,” Congressman Huffman said. “Until this weekend California had only 12% of its average snowpack. Thankfully it snowed in the Sierras, bringing some needed relief. But one snowstorm in California and another on the East Coast does not solve our long-term climate crisis.”

Congressman Huffman’s speech can be viewed HERE:

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A transcript of Congressman Huffman’s remarks may be found below:

“Madam Speaker, there was a deeply-troubling story this Sunday in the New York Times entitled “The End of Snow.”

Like all of you I have been cheering on all of our Olympians in Sochi, particularly in the snow-related events.

But as this article notes, climate change is threatening the very concept of winter Olympics and snow sports in general. Current models project a 7 degree rise in global temperatures by 2100, leaving winters drier and our mountains bare of snow. Of the 19 cities that have hosted the Winter Olympics, only 10 would still be cold enough by 2050 to host them again. Warmer winters and less snow will be disastrous to the United States’ $66 billion ski industry.

Now, until this weekend California had only 12% of its average snowpack. Thankfully it snowed in the Sierras, bringing some needed relief. But one snowstorm in California and another on the East Coast does not solve our long-term climate crisis.

Climate change will impact our lives in every way. Let’s get to work. Let’s reduce greenhouse gases and prevent the worst impacts of climate change.” 
