Congressman Huffman Announces 2nd Annual District Landscape Photography Competition

July 09, 2014

WASHINGTON­—Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) announced that he will hold his 2nd Annual District Landscape Photography competition starting tomorrow, July 10.

Constituents should email their original landscape photograph of the 2nd Congressional District to, and must include their name, hometown, and the location of the photo in the body of the email.

Submissions will be accepted until July 25, 2014.

“The 2nd Annual District Landscape Photography Competition will once again showcase the most beautiful Congressional District in the nation,” Congressman Huffman said.  “Last year’s submissions were astounding—from the Golden Gate Bridge standing sentinel at the San Francisco Bay to the remote beauty of the Lost Coast, to ancient Redwood forests—and I look forward to seeing my constituents’ photography once again.”

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On Monday, July 28, submissions will be posted to where constituents will vote on photos by “liking” them. The two winning photographs, as determined by most likes, will be announced on Friday, August 8 at noon ET. Each photograph will be published as Congressman Huffman’s official Twitter header photo and Facebook cover photo for three months apiece.

Last year, Huffman received more than 207 entries from across California’s Second Congressional District. The first place winner was Sandy Evans of Ukiah, and Anise Gemmell of San Rafael took second place.

Their winning photographs may be found here. All entries may be found here.
