At Ukiah High School, Rep. Huffman Recognizes Student Artists who Participated in 2015 Congressional Art Competition

June 08, 2015

Ukiah, CA—Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) today visited Ukiah High School and recognized student artists who participated in the 2015 Congressional Art Competition. 50 students from Mendocino County participated in this year’s competition, including 22 students from Ukiah High School. Huffman presented certificates to each participant, including the finalist for Mendocino County, Alexis King, an Ukiah High School sophomore. King’s submission, a black and white digital photograph entitled “Thirst,” can be found below:

“I was glad to recognize so many of Mendocino County’s talented young artists today at Ukiah High School,” Huffman said. “I congratulate Alexis King, finalist for Mendocino County, and each other participant in this year’s Congressional Art Competition. I look forward to seeing the incredible works they create next.”

Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district. Since the competition began in 1982, more than 650,000 high school students have participated nationwide. More information about the Congressional Art Competition can be found HERE.

High-resolution photos from today’s assembly can be found HERE or below.

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Huffman with Alexis King, finalist in the 2015 Congressional Art Competition for Mendocino County

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Finalist Alexis King’s submission, “Thirst”

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Rep. Huffman visited Ukiah High School to recognize student artists who participated in the 2015 Congressional Art Competition, June 8, 2015.
