Hello, None of us are a stranger to junk fees – at banks, airlines, and concert venues, or for cell phone plans, ATMs, and car sales– we've all fallen victim and know what a frustrating burden they can pose. This price-gouging costs working families hundreds – sometimes thousands – of dollars a year. It’s not only costly and maddening; it’s downright dishonest and makes it harder for folks to pay their bills. It’s time to stop companies from getting away with these unfair overcharges. That’s why President Joe Biden and House Democrats have made it a top priority to protect consumers from these surprise extra costs added right at the end of transactions that many businesses use to make you pay more. The Biden administration has already taken swift action to rein in ticketing fees and medical fees and has supported the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as they go after these fees in banking and more. I also joined my fellow Democrats in the House to introduce the Junk Fee Prevention Act to put an end to unnecessary and excessive fees, require full prices to be disclosed upfront, and take on special interests. As we continue to tackle this issue head on, I’ll keep pushing for commonsense measures that lower costs for folks throughout the U.S. and put more money back in the pockets of working families. I’d like to hear from you. Please take a moment to answer the below survey. If you have a personal story you'd like to share, please email huffmanQ&A@mail.house.gov with the subject “Junk Fee Constituent Story.”

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Thank you, and stay well,
Jared Huffman Member of Congress