Rep. Huffman Votes to End President Trump’s Shutdown & Reopen the Government

January 04, 2019

Washington, D.C.- On the first day of the new session of Congress, Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) voted for two bills to end President Trump’s shutdown, reopen government services, and ensure federal workers get the paychecks they’ve earned, without providing a single new dollar for the President’s border wall demands. The bills passed with bipartisan support in the House and two Republican Senators have already signaled support for this effort by the new House majority to quickly approve the same bipartisan funding legislation that the Senate overwhelmingly approved last year.

“I voted to end President Trump’s callous shutdown and reopen the government,” said Rep. Huffman. “President Trump and his Republican allies in the Senate are cheapening public service when they should be showing our federal workers the dignity and respect they deserve by reopening the government and providing these workers with the pay they earned. It is indefensible that Republican leadership in the Senate now refuse to take up legislation that they unanimously approved just a few days ago, just because the president threw a temper tantrum. As the shutdown continues, President Trump is placing American families, federal employees, diplomats, Coast Guard servicemembers, small businesses, Indian Country, and national parks in jeopardy. I urge Mitch McConnell and President Trump to put the interests of the American people over these ridiculous requests for a border wall and allow Congress to get back to the business of governing.”

For frequently asked questions about the shutdown, please click here.