Rep. Huffman to Speaker Boehner: Move Forward on a Budget Conference

April 23, 2013

WASHINGTON­—Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael), a member of the House Budget Committee, issued the following statement today calling on Speaker John Boehner to appoint representatives to a conference committee on the budget so Congress can reach an agreement that creates jobs, strengthens the middle class, and reduces the deficit:

“For months, House Republican leaders have complained about inaction on the budget, but now that the ball is in their court they are dragging their feet.

“The only way we’re going to move forward and come to agreement on a budget is if we sit down in a bipartisan House-Senate conference committee to work out our differences. With the President’s budget, the House-passed Paul Ryan budget—which I voted against—and the Senate-passed Democratic budget all on the table, it’s time to stop delaying and start the conference committee process.

“Congress has already missed its legal deadline of April 15 to pass a final budget, which is unacceptable. We can’t return to the cycle of endless short-term budget crises—House Republican leaders should get moving and appoint conferees.”

Last week, Congressman Huffman joined fellow House Budget Democrats in sending a letter to Speaker Boehner urging him to appoint conferees.
