Rep. Huffman Releases Report and Infographic on His First Term in Congress

January 05, 2015

WASHINGTON­—Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) today released the following report and infographic detailing his freshman term in the 113th United States Congress representing California’s 2nd Congressional District. Tomorrow, January 6th will mark the first day of the 114th Congress and the beginning of Huffman’s 2nd term in Congress.

“As I close out my first term, I want to express my thanks for the great honor of representing California’s North Coast in Congress,” Huffman said. “I was disappointed that the 113th Congress turned out to be far less productive than it should have been. There was too much partisan political theater and obstruction, and not enough good faith efforts to solve problems. But even with these challenges, I'm proud of some major accomplishments we achieved together in my freshman term.”

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A high-resolution version of the infographic can be downloaded HERE.

Further details:

Huffman wrote three bills that were passed by the House / signed into law:

Huffman authored a total of 16 bills and amendments, including:

Huffman voted 1,169 times on the House floor, including:

Huffman cosponsored 495 bills, including:

Huffman cosponsored 129 bills that were written by Republicans, including:

  • The USA FREEDOM Act, which reforms U.S. national security laws and ends the wide-ranging surveillance of Americans by the National Security Agency (NSA). The USA FREEDOM Act passed the House in May 2014. Huffman voted for the bill.
  • The PEGASUS Act, which would keep genetically-engineered (GE) fish off the nation’s dinner plates and away from our nation’s rivers and oceans.  It would prohibit the shipment, sale, transportation, purchase, possession, or release in the wild of GE salmon or other GE finfish unless the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service complete a full environmental impact statement and find that it will result in no significant impact to the environment.


  • Huffman delivered 40 speeches on the House floor, which may be viewed HERE. Of these, Huffman urged action to fight climate change thirteen times.
  • Huffman appeared on one of Stephen Colbert’s last “Better Know a District” segments, viewable HERE.
