Rep. Huffman Delivers Remarks on Impeaching President Donald J. Trump for High Crimes and Misdemeanors

December 18, 2019

Washington, D.C. – Representative Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) delivered remarks on the House floor today regarding the historic vote on two articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump. Below are Congressman Huffman’s remarks as delivered and a link to the video:

“Madam Speaker, as we take this solemn, necessary step of impeaching President Trump, my Republican colleagues have made up their minds; we can’t persuade them to do the right thing.  So, I address my remarks to the future. Because today’s vote will be judged by future generations including my precious children Abby and Nathan. Maybe grandkids.   

“Historians will study what members of this Congress did when our democracy was tested like never before by a President who put personal interests above country; who compromised national security to cheat his way to re-election; and when caught, not only lied and refused to admit wrongdoing, but flouted Congress’ authority.  He even called the Constitutional impeachment mechanism ‘unconstitutional.’ 

 “Historians will marvel how some members continued to stand by this man; how they put blind partisan loyalty – or fear of Donald Trump – above their duty to defend the Constitution; how they made absurd partisan arguments and tried to obstruct these proceedings; and how, instead of pushing back when their party fell under a dark spell of authoritarianism, they embraced it – as if the Constitution, the rule of law, and our Oath of Office mean nothing. 

“So, Madam Speaker, for our future generations, our children, and the judgment of history, let me be clear:  I stand with our Constitution, with the rule of law, and our democracy. I’ll be voting ‘yes’ to impeach Donald J. Trump.”

Rep Huffman’s remarks can be viewed here
