Rep. Huffman Applauds New $760 Billion Framework to Make Transformative Infrastructure Investments Across U.S.

Plan Delivers on Key North Coast Infrastructure Priorities

January 30, 2020

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael), a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, unveiled House Democrats’ new framework for a five-year, $760 billion investment that would create an estimated 10 million jobs addressing some of the country’s most urgent infrastructure needs, from the massive maintenance backlog, to designing safer streets, to putting the U.S. on a path toward zero carbon pollution from the transportation sector and increasing resiliency. This framework would bolster the Federal role in order to help communities around the country undertake transformative projects that are smarter, safer, and made to last.

“House Democrats campaigned on a For the People agenda, and throughout the past year we have delivered landmark bills lowering drug prices, protecting voting rights, improving election security, ensuring net neutrality, confronting climate change, and other national priorities. The biggest remaining item on our to-do list is infrastructure – fixing and modernizing our nation’s crumbling infrastructure in a forward-looking, climate resilient way – and I’m so glad we’re now moving this deliverable forward,” said Rep. Huffman. “Our plan is the roadmap America needs to put people to work building the infrastructure of the future and makes it easier for communities in my district to carry out transformational projects and to deliver universal access to broadband internet service. On the transportation side, the North Bay’s expanding SMART rail and trail system, which cuts greenhouse gas emissions and provides a reliable public transportation alternative, is a great example of a project that stands to benefit from this new national framework. Others include the realignment of Last Chance Grade in Del Norte County and the elevation of Highway 37.”

Among other things, the framework outlines major investments, including those in surface transportation, rail and transit systems, airports, ports and harbors, wastewater and drinking water infrastructure, brownfields, and broadband.

It’s infrastructure investment that is smarter, safer, and made to last – with a framework that would invest in key California North Coast priorities, including:

  • Sets a path toward zero carbon pollution from the transportation sector, creating jobs, protecting our natural resources, promoting environmental justice, and increasing resiliency to climate change.
  • Increases funding for the Tribal Transportation and Federal Lands Transportation programs, which support transportation systems on tribal lands as well as National Parks, Forests, and other public lands found across northwestern California.
  • Expands use of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund and addresses the backlog of small and emerging waterways with neglected dredging needs, like Petaluma River and the San Rafael Canal.
  • Provides safe, clean, and affordable water and wastewater services.
  • Restores the ecological health and water quality of the San Francisco Bay through $125 million in investments.
  • Expands broadband internet access, adoption for underserved rural, suburban, and urban communities like those across the North Coast.
  • Modernizes 9-1-1 public safety networks.
