Rep. Huffman Applauds $40 Million in New Funding for Last Chance Grade

March 14, 2019

WASHINGTON—In response to the California Transportation Commission decision to fund the California Department of Transportation’s $40 million request in additional funding for environmental work for Last Chance Grade, Rep. Huffman (D-San Rafael) released the following statement:

“California Transportation Commission’s decision to provide an additional $40 million in support of Last Chance Grade is big news for the safety of both the Del Norte community and the travelling public, as well as for the North Coast’s economy,” said Rep. Huffman. “This funding will be instrumental in helping to find a new, durable route at Last Chance Grade, which will reflect both safety and environmental concerns. After working with Senator McGuire and Assemblymember Wood, my Last Chance Grade Stakeholder Group, and requesting this financial support, I’m glad to see how momentum on the project has ramped up over the past few years and that we are taking major steps towards a permanent solution.”
