Huffman Video Conferences with White Hill Middle School to Talk About Government Shutdown

October 11, 2013

WASHINGTON­—On Friday, October 11, Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) joined middle school students from White Hill Middle School in Fairfax, California, via video call and answered questions about the government shutdown, health care, and the deficit. Students from Mr. Joe Dines’ 8th grade class had emailed Congressman Huffman regarding the government shutdown, and Huffman set up a video conference to answer their questions directly.

I was extremely impressed by Mr. Dines’ students, their questions, and their interest in making change,” Congressman Huffman said. “I’m glad I was able to explain my job and the critical role of individual citizens in our democracy. I have great faith in the next generation, and I know that some of America’s future leaders in science, business, and public service will come from this class.” 

“Friday’s video call with Congressman Huffman was an exceptional experience for our students and we couldn’t be more grateful to Congressman Huffman for reaching out to Mr. Dines and his students,” White Hill Middle School Principal David Finnane said. “Our kids learn best when they participate in real life experiences aligned with what they are studying and this discussion with Congressman Huffman couldn’t have been more authentic and meaningful.”

Photos of the video conference may be found HERE:

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