Huffman Statement on 38th Attempt to Repeal Affordable Care Act

July 17, 2013

WASHINGTON­—Following the House GOP’s 38th vote to undermine the Affordable Care Act, Congressman Jared Huffman issued the following statement:

“The budget isn’t finished, student loan interest rates have doubled, and the House hasn’t even considered immigration reform, yet the House GOP leadership is insisting on wasting our time with the 38th vote to undermine the Affordable Care Act,” Congressman Huffman said. “We need to get back to work and move America forward, not waste time with political gimmicks.”

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the new health law has provided the following benefits to residents of California’s Second Congressional District:

  • 6,100 young adults in the district now have health insurance through their parents’ plan.

  • More than 8,500 seniors in the district received prescription drug discounts worth $11.4 million. This is an average discount of $610 per person in 2011, $670 in 2012, and $680 thus far in 2013.

  • 133,000 seniors in the district are now eligible for Medicare preventive services without paying any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.

  • 189,000 individuals in the district – including 36,000 children and 82,000 women – now have health insurance that covers preventive services without any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.

  • 225,000 individuals in the district are saving money due to ACA provisions that prevent insurance companies from spending more than 20% of their premiums on profits and administrative overhead. Because of these protections, over 38,700 consumers in the district received approximately $2.9 million in insurance company rebates in 2012 and 2011 – an average rebate of $71 per family in 2012 and $65 per family in 2011.

  • Up to 35,000 children in the district with preexisting health conditions can no longer be denied coverage by health insurers.

  • 233,000 individuals in the district now have insurance that cannot place lifetime limits on their coverage and will not face annual limits on coverage starting in 2014.

  • 97,000 individuals in the district who lack health insurance will have access to quality, affordable coverage without fear of discrimination or higher rates because of a preexisting health condition. In addition, the 71,000 individuals who currently purchase private health insurance on the individual or small group market will have access to more secure, higher quality coverage and many will be eligible for financial assistance.

A factsheet may be found HERE.
