January 17, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC---Congressman Jared Huffman (D, San Rafael) responded to President Obama’s proposals to help end gun violence saying: “I fully support the President’s common sense proposals for universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons and high capacity assault magazines.   His twenty-three executive actions address yawning gaps in our background check and mental health systems, enhance law enforcement resources, and help prevent dangerous individuals from obtaining weapons.   The President’s proposals are 100% consistent with the Second Amendment, and there is nothing in this package of reforms that threatens the right of law-abiding citizens to own guns for hunting or self -defense.”

“Vice-President Biden’s task force acted swiftly in convening all stakeholders to ensure that these proposals will keep children, families, and communities safe.   The products of this task force will help restore faith that whether they are at school, at the mall, or at the movie theater, Americans will be safe from gun violence,” said Congressman Huffman.

“I commend my friend and colleague, Congressman Mike Thompson, (D, St. Helena), a veteran, gun owner, and lifelong hunter, for his chairmanship of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, and for his tireless efforts to educate and build consensus for common sense reforms.  I look forward to working with Congressman Thompson to enact meaningful gun violence reforms.

“Like every parent, I expect my kids to be safe when I drop them off at school.  I see it as my job in Congress to meet that expectation.  Since taking office, I’ve co-sponsored House companion legislation to Senator Feinstein’s assault weapons ban, and legislation to ban high-capacity ammunition magazines.  These are just the first  proposals that Congress will introduce that reflect some of the goals that the President laid out today.   The President has done his job, and now it’s time that we in the Congress do ours,” Congressman Huffman said.
