Huffman: "It's Time to Get Climate Change Back on the National Radar"

February 15, 2013

WASHINGTON---Congressman Jared Huffman (D, San Rafael) issued these remarks at the inaugural press conference of the Safe Climate Caucus, chaired by Congressman Henry Waxman (D, Los Angeles):

“I want to thank Chairman Waxman for forming this group, spearheading this effort, and leading the climate fight in Congress. 

Tuesday night, we saw the President make a bold and clear commitment to addressing climate change, and I am proud to be part of the group that will help carry that message in the Congress.

I truly believe addressing climate change— both greenhouse gas reduction and adaptation— is the greatest imperative of our time – not just because of the huge stakes for our environment, our economy, and our planet; but because of the enormous opportunity this issue presents. 

Confronting climate change will require major investments in infrastructure, new technologies, high quality jobs, and energy independence.  These are things that will make our country stronger, healthier, and more prosperous. 

I have the honor of representing the largest coastal district in California. We know the dangerous impact severe weather, sea level rise, wildfires and the other impacts of climate change will have on the lives of my constituents. Thankfully California has already taken bold steps to combat climate change with our state’s world-leading greenhouse gas reduction law. But that is not enough – we need leadership at the federal level, and that’s what this group is all about.

It’s time to get climate change back on the national radar, to break through the fog of climate deniers in Congress, and to confront this issue for the good of our districts, our country, and our planet.  Thank you again Mr. Chairman for the opportunity to do this important work.”
