Huffman: Congress Needs to Act Now on Common-Sense and Comprehensive Immigration Reform

January 29, 2013

Washington---Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) lauded President Obama’s commitment to swift action on common-sense and comprehensive immigration reform, and called the Senate bi-partisan proposal on immigration “a good start.”

“This is a rare opportunity to work together, across party lines, to actually get something done this year for the nation,” said Congressman Huffman.  “The President laid out a clear imperative for our economy, and our communities, and I support the principles that he and the bipartisan Senate proposal have identified.  The current immigration system is broken, and it is holding us back.  Congress needs to act now on a tough and smart reform that creates a new common-sense immigration process and provides a roadmap to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring citizens who have been living and working in the shadows for far too long.”


Congressman Huffman represents California’s Second Congressional District, and serves on the Committees on Natural Resources and on the Budget.

