Huffman Announces Key Committee Assignments

January 09, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC----Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) announced today that he has been appointed to two key committees in the 113th Congress: the House Committee on Natural Resources and the House Budget Committee,  whose jurisdictions mirror Huffman’s earlier state Assembly committee assignments.   The Steering Committee of the House Democratic Caucus notified Huffman of his appointment to the House Committee on Natural Resources in December and to the House Budget Committee last week.

“The Committee on Natural Resources jurisdiction perfectly matches the interests and needs of my North Coast and North Bay constituents,“ said Congressman Huffman.  “The economy of California’s Second Congressional District is tied directly to the state’s natural resources:  my new congressional district encompasses several National Forests, the Klamath and Trinity River reclamation projects, and some of the most scenic protected sites in the country, from the Redwood National Park to the Point Reyes National Seashore.  The Natural Resources Committee plays a critical role in overseeing those sites, as well as managing the federal government’s role with the North Coast’s iconic salmon fishing industry, tribal interests, and coastal protections.  In the California Assembly, I chaired the Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee and am proud to have played a key role in crafting and passing a historic package of water reforms.  More recently, I authored legislation to resolve the funding and management problems that have plagued California’s State Parks.  I welcome the opportunity to work with the committee to protect our environment and create new jobs through policies that grow our economy, resolve natural resource conflicts, advance clean energy solutions, and combat global warming. “

The House Committee on the Budget is charged with developing the fiscal policy of the nation.  “I served in Sacramento on the Assembly Committee on Budget, and ended my tenure chairing one of its subcommittees.  Over the last six years, I worked on the Budget Committee with my colleagues and the Brown administration to make hard decisions and support key measures that have helped take California from the depths of the worst fiscal crisis since the Great Depression to being on a path to a budget surplus in 2014.  Using this experience, I look forward to getting to work on the federal budget, and making sure it reflects our values as a nation while also resolving our national debt crisis.” 

Said Huffman:  “These committee assignments both reflect the needs of my district and are a match to my strengths as a policymaker – and they oversee issues that I am passionate about.”

For more information on the House Committee on Natural Resources click here:

For more information on the House Committee on the Budget click here:

Contact: Nora Matus