House of Representatives Approves Congressman Huffman’s Bill To Help Trinity County’s Economy

November 13, 2014

WASHINGTON­—For the second time since taking office, freshman Congressman Jared Huffman (D—San Rafael) has successfully steered a bill through the U.S. House of Representatives. Though the Republican-held House has generally been hostile to environmental priorities, both of Huffman’s House-passed bills received bipartisan support and balanced conservation policy with economic development. The Huffman bill approved today, the Trinity County Land Exchange Act (H.R. 3326), now goes to the United States Senate.

Trinity County, located in Northern California, is one of the poorest counties in California. Much of the county is rugged and remote, and more than 75% of the total land base is held by the Federal Government, leaving very little land suitable for economic development. H.R. 3326 grants Trinity County a much-needed 100-acre parcel from the Shasta-Trinity National Forest accessible by the highway, adjacent to the Weaverville Airport and uniquely suited for economic development. In exchange, the county’s Public Utilities District will convey a 47-acre parcel west of Weaverville that will improve public access to the Trinity River—a Wild and Scenic River.

Huffman spoke on the House floor in support of his bill, footage of which can be found HERE:

The Trinity County Land Exchange Act of 2014 is an extremely important bill for Trinity County’s economy and land management,” Huffman said. This land swap is a great example of bipartisan legislation that furthers our shared priorities of economic development and environmental protection in our nation’s rural communities.”

“With so much county land owned by the federal government and the extreme topography so common in the area, Trinity County has very little land available for development,” said Paul Hauser, General Manager of the Trinity Public Utilities District. “Congressman Huffman’s bill would be a tremendous help to our economy and help provide much-needed land where we can site new businesses or new homes for local employees. I’m grateful that the House passed this bill, and hope the Senate takes it up soon.”

The bill guarantees a fair return for federal taxpayers as the United States Forest Service will receive a cash equalization payment for the improvement, maintenance, reconstruction, or construction of a facility or improvement for the National Forest System.

A transcript of Huffman’s speech can be found below:

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“Thank you, Mr. Chair, Mr. Grijalva, and thank you Mr. Young.

Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this bill, the Trinity County Land Exchange Act of 2014. I yield myself as much time as I may consume.

This bill is a straightforward, bipartisan bill. It simply facilitates a land exchange between the Trinity Public Utilities District, the United States Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management.

I am grateful that my bill is cosponsored by my friend and district neighbor, Congressman LaMalfa, who represented Trinity County when he was in the California State Senate.

Trinity County, located in Northern California, is one of the poorest counties in the entire state.

Though it’s very large, much of it is rugged and remote and more than 75% of the total land base is held by the Federal Government, which leaves very little land suitable for economic development. This legislation before you today will help stimulate Trinity County’s economy.

The bill grants Trinity County a much-needed 100-acre parcel from the Shasta-Trinity National Forest that is accessible by the highway and uniquely suited for economic development. In exchange, the county’s Public Utilities District will convey a 47-acre parcel west of Weaverville that will improve public access to the Trinity River, which is a Wild and Scenic River.

The bill guarantees a fair return for federal taxpayers as the United States Forest Service will receive a cash equalization payment for the improvement, maintenance, reconstruction, or construction of a facility or an improvement for the National Forest System. So, this is a win-win bill all the way around.

Partnerships with land management agencies are really critical for Trinity County’s economic development, and I’m so glad Trinity County has been able to develop this win-win partnership with the federal agencies that meets everybody’s needs.

This land swap is a great example of bipartisan legislation that furthers our shared priorities of economic development and environmental protection in our nation’s rural communities.

Again, I especially want to thank Chairman Hastings, Ranking Member DeFazio, Chairman Bishop, Ranking Member Grijalva, and my neighbor Doug LaMalfa for their assistance and collaboration. And the many staff who worked on this bill, especially my Sea Grant Fellow, Zach Penney.

With that, I yield back.”
