Rep. Huffman Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Repeal the Trump Administration’s Harmful Solar Tariffs

April 19, 2018

Washington, D.C.- Today, Congressman Jared Huffman (D-CA) joined Representatives Jacky Rosen (D-NV), Mark Sanford (R-SC), Ralph Norman (R-SC) and Steve Knight (R-CA) in announcing their introduction of the bipartisan Protecting American Solar Jobs Act (H.R. 5571).

This bill would repeal the Trump Administration’s misguided decision to impose duties and tariffs on imported solar panels. Under this legislation, duties and tariffs would default back to previous rates and would allow companies that imported any affected solar products under this new tariff to receive retroactive reimbursement.

“President Trump’s reckless solar tariffs have threatened the booming solar industry growth that we’ve seen not only across California but across the country,” said Rep. Jared Huffman. “This clean energy industry is an American success story, and the President’s decision to slap 30% tariffs on all imported products, even components that are developed by innovative American companies, will harm our clean energy economy, costing tens of thousands of American jobs. I’m glad to work across the aisle on this legislation to repeal the President’s harmful solar tariffs.”

“Solar energy’s success throughout Nevada has led to new jobs, cheaper power bills, and the growth of a new industry that is diversifying our state’s economy,” said Rep. Jacky Rosen. “This Administration directly threatened the stability and financial well-being of our local solar industry when the President decided to impose a 30 percent tariff on imported panels. An attack on solar energy is an attack on the countless hardworking Nevadans who benefit from this growing industry, and my new bill will reverse this damaging decision.”

“The saying in Washington is that if you want less of something, tax it,” said Rep. Mark Sanford. “A tariff is a tax, and I don't know what good can possibly come as a consequence of stifling the growth of solar power. Solar power is one of the cheapest and fastest-growing renewable energy sources, and if we are really focused on becoming energy independent, now is no time to slow its growth. South Carolinians have the highest monthly electric bills in the country, and solar energy should be allowed to represent part of the formula to changing this. Finally, over 7,000 South Carolinians who work in the solar industry could lose their jobs because of these tariffs. This bill is about sustaining solar as a renewable and key energy source toward jobs, clean energy, and energy independence.”

“In the 5th District of South Carolina, and across the nation as a whole, the solar industry is a major leader in creating economic growth and providing quality jobs,” said Rep. Ralph Norman. “These tariffs could have devastating effects on the solar employers and workers nationwide. We need to focus on strengthening American competitiveness, increasing investments, and not risking tens of thousands of Americans their jobs.”

“The U.S. should adopt an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy infrastructure approach,” said Rep. Steve Knight. “This means promoting every form of viable energy development, including, wind, solar, hydro, nuclear, and traditional power sources. Tariffs and other industry-specific costs impose artificial barriers to development and hinder our ability to innovate. This bill will ensure an equal playing field in this industry and I want to thank Congresswoman Rosen for her leadership on this issue.”

The bipartisan Protecting American Solar Jobs Act also received an endorsement from the President and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association.

“This bipartisan legislation is an important step in countering the harmful impact of tariffs on the solar industry,” said Abigail Ross Hopper, President and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association. “Across the country, the rise of solar has generated thousands of new jobs and provided communities with clean, sustainable power. It is clear that solar is the energy of choice for Americans and we must do what we can to allow this economic engine to continue to advance here in the U.S.”
