Check out my new website!

June 27, 2019

Dear friend, 

As your Representative in Congress, I’m always working to keep you up to date on what’s happening in Washington and at home in California. 

That’s why I’m glad to share the launch of our new, user-friendly website. With a streamlined menu and a display of all the services available within a single scroll, you won’t have to navigate far to read about priorities and perspectives in Congress, or simply reach out to share your opinion on how I can better advocate for you on the national level. 

On the new website, you will able to:

  • Get help with a federal agency
  • Seek help regarding lost or expedited passports in cases of emergency
  • Request congressional commendations
  • Schedule Capitol/White House tours and other visits in Washington or California
  • Apply for internships
  • Request flags to be flown over the Capitol in celebration of special occasions
  • Solicit grants and other financial assistance
  • Find other congressional resources including help with immigration, presidential greetings, and additional services

You can also:

  • Read about new legislation, votes in Congress, and review committee and caucus assignments
  • Connect on social media
  • Track public events and learn more about the congressional district on a new interactive map

As always, please don’t be a stranger. You’re always invited to attend a community town hall, and don’t forget to check out the “Off the Cuff” podcast to hear interviews and commentary on pressing policy questions. 

With Best Regards,
Jared Huffman
