Rep. Jared Huffman: ‘Low blow,’ ‘classless’ for Trump to skip inauguration

January 20, 2021

Rep. Jared Huffman, California Democrat, slammed President Trump on Wednesday for skipping the inauguration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden.

“Well, I mean obviously that’s a low blow and a snub and classless and all the things that shouldn’t surprise us at all just given who Donald Trump is,” Mr. Huffman said hours before Mr. Biden is sworn into office.

“No matter how tacky and small Donald Trump is, we’re just a heck of a lot bigger than that as a country,” Mr. Huffman said.

Before Mr. Trump, three outgoing U.S. presidents actively and intentionally skipped their successor’s inauguration ceremonies and/or festivities: John Adams in 1801, his son John Quincy Adams in 1829 and Andrew Johnson in 1869.

Martin Van Buren in 1841 and Woodrow Wilson in 1921 were inside the Capitol signing last-minute legislation but did not attend the public ceremony outside, according to the White House Historical Association.

After Richard Nixon resigned in 1974, he did not stick around for the formal swearing-in of Gerald Ford.

By:  David Sherfinski
Source: The Washington Times