Marin County allots $3.65 million to aid Golden Gate Village

December 06, 2023

Marin supervisors have authorized a $3 million loan and a $650,000 grant to benefit the Golden Gate Village housing complex in Marin City.

The loan would be to the Marin Housing Authority to help cover predevelopment costs for revitalizing Golden Gate Village. The federally-owned complex that houses about 700 low-income people is badly in need of repair due to years of underfunding by the federal government.

“This allows us to move the project forward as quickly as possible,” Marin County Executive Matthew Hymel said. “The idea is we get repaid once the permanent financing for the project occurs.”

The grant would help pay for new exterior lighting at the complex.

These contributions to Golden Gate Village, which is managed by the Marin Housing Authority, had been promised previously and come in addition to numerous other cash infusions the county has made to Golden Gate Village and Marin City recently.

“As your board may recall, you approved $5 million to support Golden Gate Village’s revitalization in your fiscal year 2022-23 budget,” Hymel told supervisors prior to their vote on Tuesday.


In June 2022, Marin supervisors allocated $600,000, which was matched by $600,000 from HUD, to make more immediate health and safety upgrades.

The additional $650,000 that was allocated by supervisors for new exterior lighting on Tuesday was matched by $650,000 in federal funds courtesy of a budget earmark by Rep. Jared Huffman, a San Rafael Democrat.

“Most of the existing lighting infrastructure is original to the construction of the site in 1960,” said Daniel Del Monte, a deputy county administrator. “Complete replacement of the lighting equipment, bulbs, and power systems that light the parking lots, streets, and pedestrian pathways are needed.”


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By:  Richard Halstead |
Source: Marin Independent Journal