Marin congressman discusses impeachment, Capitol siege at forum

January 12, 2021

U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman, Marin County’s representative in the House, told constituents at an online forum on Tuesday that he supports the immediate impeachment of President Donald Trump and removing culpable lawmakers following last week’s siege at the Capitol.

Hundreds of constituents who tuned in asked Huffman, a Democrat who lives in San Rafael, whether Congress should send articles of impeachment to the Senate right away or wait until after President-elect Joe Biden introduces his legislative priorities.

“I believe it is the most urgent thing that we have before us right now because we’ve seen for the first time in history a president of the United States actively incite an armed deadly insurrection against our democracy and against the Congress,” Huffman said of impeachment. “To let that stand, to somehow just look the other way, is not an option in terms of the oath that I took to the Constitution, and I think most of the country shares that view.”

The House of Representatives is poised to vote on an article of impeachment against Trump on Wednesday. The article alleges Trump incited an armed insurrection against another branch of the U.S. government in an attempt to overturn the Nov. 3 presidential election results.

Hours before the Capitol siege on Jan. 6, Trump spoke to the thousands of supporters who gathered in Washington to oppose what Trump and Republican lawmakers have repeatedly claimed without evidence to be a fraudulent presidential election.

Five people died during the siege, including a Capitol police officer who was hit over the head and a San Diego woman who was shot by Capitol police after attempting to move deeper into the building.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House will send the article of impeachment to the Senate unless Trump resigns or Vice President Mike Pence and Cabinet members invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

Trump has not signaled an intention to step down and sought to distance himself from the insurrection on Tuesday. In a letter to Pelosi on Tuesday evening, Pence wrote he will not invoke the 25th Amendment against Trump and instead will focus his remaining days in office on an “orderly transition.”

In addition to impeachment, Huffman said supports the formation of a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate the Capitol siege and any person who incited or supported it, including sitting lawmakers.

Huffman said he would also support invoking the 14th Amendment, which allows Congress to unseat sitting members, some of whom he believes should be expelled for the riot.

“It’s hard for me to look some of them in the eye,” Huffman said.

Some Republican lawmakers have come out in support of impeachment while others favor a formal censure of Trump instead. A censure would be “toothless” compared to an impeachment, which could result in Trump being barred from holding federal office, Huffman said.

Additionally, Huffman said he would support an investigation into security breaches that allowed trespassers to enter the Capitol. In response to a question about whether members of Congress should be armed, Huffman said that would only make the Capitol more dangerous.

Huffman said he plans to attend Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20 but is urging constituents to stay away from the Capitol as well as state and local government buildings. His caution was in response to a Federal Bureau of Investigation’s warning that armed protests were being planned at all 50 state capitol buildings and the U.S. Capitol next week.

“I think it will be as safe as it can be,” Huffman said in response to a question concerning security at the inauguration.

By:  Will Houston
Source: Marin Independent Journal