Jared Huffman encourages participation in 2020 Census

February 12, 2020

North Coast U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman is urging District 2 residents to participate in the 2020 Census in a public service announcement airing locally on Access Humboldt.

“If you have been looking to make a difference in the new year, participate in the 2020 Census,” he said in the commercial. “This only happens once every 10 years. It is an easy and very important way to contribute. This is about fair representation in our communities.”

Participants, he said, would play a role in determining how federal dollars are spent.

“The Census will determine how billions of dollars are allocated for water treatment, fire stations, health services (and) thousands of other essential programs that impact our daily lives,” Huffman said.

He also reiterated that there will not be repercussions for undocumented community members.

“I want to make clear, there will be no citizenship question as part of this Census program,” he said. “Your information will be confidential. It can’t be used against you by government agencies like ICE. Census Bureau employees are sworn to protect your privacy. And it’s illegal for them to disclose your private information. We all count and we all get to shape our future by participating in the 2020 Census. So start making a difference now.”

Watch the video announcement here.

Source: Times Standard