Huffman named to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

January 12, 2015

Congressman Jared Huffman said on Monday that being named to a panel in the U.S. House of Representatives last week will allow him to focus federal attention on the highways and byways of the North Coast.

“I’m grateful to be named to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and thank House Leadership for placing this trust in me,” Huffman said in a news release. “I look forward to bringing fresh ideas to the table to ensure Congress invests in critically-needed updates to transportation infrastructure on the North Coast and throughout the nation.”

The committee, which Huffman said he’d been aiming to be a part of since he started in Congress, has jurisdiction over certain aspects of the Coast Guard, the Army Corps of Engineers, and the Department of Transportation, as well as roads, bridges, airports and highways — all of which have some relevance to projects, like Last Chance Grade, for instance, that Huffman’s presence on the committee will only bring more attention to, he said.

“Because Last Chance Grade is a personal priority for me I’ll be able to make sure that I’m fighting for the programs and agency budgets that could help us,” Huffman said. “What I can’t do is put in an earmark that says ‘Here’s $50 million for Last Chance Grade.’ But I can push for adequate authorization levels for policy guidance, I can lobby administration officials more effectively as they make spending decisions, and also lobby appropriators. There aren’t earmarks, but you can still make a difference and leverage your position in ways that can be helpful.”

Huffman went on to list other few items he’s interested in providing increased attention to, including dredging needs for small harbors and waterways, increased funding for public transportation, smart flood management programs, Army Corps projects and aviation projects.

“I’ll have an opportunity to make more of a difference on programs and agencies that really matter to the north coast,” Huffman said. “FAA authorization is coming up in a few months, and essential air service is part of that, and often a very contested part of that. That air service is a lifeline into Humboldt and Del Norte, and it’s something I’d fight for anyway but on the committee I have a great opportunity to be on the front line of that fight.”

He also said he’d be in a better position to push for initiatives that focus on climate change.

“The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure is one of the most important committees in our fight against climate change, which I believe is the greatest imperative of our time,” Huffman said. “I will use my position on the committee to fight for bills that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help climate change mitigation.”

Huffman said that although progress will take time, his new position will offer him a platform from which he can be more effective.

 “It’s such a great match for the district, and it’ll give me a broad portfolio to do some great things,” he said. “It’ll take some time, but I think it’ll be a wonderful opportunity and I’m going to try to leverage it for my district and the things I care about.”

Along with his appointment to the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Huffman was also chosen as a Democratic Assistant Whip, which means he’ll be part of a team made up of leaders in the Democratic Caucus to build unity among Democrats in the House and keep fellow members informed about upcoming legislation, according to the news release.

“I’m looking forward to helping our party advance Democratic priorities and common-sense solutions facing Americans — all while fighting back against misguided bills, like (Friday’s) vote by House Republicans to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.”

Source: By Aaron West