Huffman Introduces Bill to Fund Electrification of USPS Postal Fleet

March 18, 2021

Congressman Jared Huffman

Congressman Jared Huffman speaks to school children during a trip to Crescent City in 2019.

Congressman Jared Huffman (D-CA), member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, introduced the Postal Vehicle Modernization Act, legislation to provide $6 billion in funding to electrify the United States Postal Service’s outdated and dangerous vehicle fleet.

“By electrifying the Postal Service fleet, we have an opportunity to boost our economy, slash emissions and save the crumbling Postal Service. The benefits and need for action could not be clearer – President Biden himself has called for complete federal vehicle electrification. However, Postmaster General DeJoy is squandering this opportunity, blaming it on a lack of federal funding,” said Huffman. “The Postal Vehicle Modernization Act resolves this issue. By investing in modern, efficient vehicles we can transform the USPS into a global leader in efficiency and innovation, helping revitalize the beleaguered Postal Service and saving taxpayers billions of dollars each year. With this funding, there is no valid reason not to move forward with completely electrifying the USPS vehicle fleet.”

“We are in a critical time for climate and clean air action, and at a key moment where we cannot accept a low standard for the next generation of mail trucks, which is why the Sierra Club is proud to endorse Congressman Huffman’s Postal Vehicle Modernization Act. Electric mail trucks will reduce noise, air, and carbon pollution in communities across the nation, as well as fueling costs for USPS, making investment in a 100% zero-emission USPS fleet an important priority,” said Will Anderson, Sierra Club associate director of Legislative/Administrative Advocacy – Transportation.

The Postal Vehicle Modernization Act:

  • Provides the $6 billion quoted by the USPS as the cost of replacing the LLV fleet.
  • Would require that at least 75% of the new fleet purchased be electric/zero emission.
  • Between enactment and 2029, no less than 50% of medium/heavy duty vehicle purchases must be electric or zero emission, and after 1/1/2040 the USPS may not purchase any non-electric/non-zero emission medium or heavy-duty vehicles.
  • By January 2026, the USPS must provide at least one charging station at each public postal facility for use by the public/employees/officers. The USPS must also ensure that charging stations are available at USPS vehicle housing facilities in order to keep the fleet operational.
  • USPS must comply with Buy American standards and any applicable federal labor/civil rights laws.

“Cleaning up our fleet of Postal Service vehicles is one of the most commonsense actions we can take to cut pollution and address climate change, but the ambition from Postmaster General DeJoy is a real disappointment,” said Luke Tonachel, director for clean vehicles and fuels at NRDC. “This legislation would ensure the Postal Service accelerates its adoption of electric vehicles, which will cut pollution, save money and create good, American manufacturing jobs.”

Source: Del Norte Triplicate