GOP Rep. Cory Mills hands out dummy grenades to House members

January 26, 2023

Newly elected Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) passed out grenades Thursday to other members of Congress, along with a note on his office letterhead emphasizing that the ordnance was made in Florida.

“I am honored to be a part of the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees,” Mills wrote. “In that spirit, it is my pleasure to give you a 40mm grenade, made for a MK19 grenade launcher. These are manufactured in the Sunshine State and first developed in the Vietnam War.”


Visitors to the Capitol are prohibited from bringing firearms, weapons and explosive devices. Lawmakers are exempt from the ban on carrying guns on the Capitol grounds thanks to 1967 Capitol Police Board regulations.

Members of Congress may keep guns in their offices and can transport them within the complex if the weapons are “unloaded and securely wrapped.” But they cannot bring guns into the House and Senate chambers.

In the weeks after the Jan. 6 attack, House Democrats revived a bill to ban their colleagues from carrying guns on Capitol grounds.

“When I brought this up with colleagues in the past, most were surprised to know that members could do whatever they wanted with guns,” Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) said then. “But I think there has been a false sense of security that nothing bad would happen. The events of recent days have totally changed that.”

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By:  Amy Wang
Source: Washington Post