Democrats urge EPA to do more against plastic pollution

February 10, 2023

Prominent Democrats are asking EPA to ramp up its efforts in tackling plastics production and pollution.

letter, sent Thursday by California Rep. Jared Huffman and Sens. Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Cory Booker of New Jersey, warns EPA about the oil and gas industries' plans for "doubling down" on petrochemicals and plastics manufacturing in response to the "transition to clean energy." Forty-five other members of Congress also signed on to the letter.

"Plastic production harms our communities and fuels the climate crisis in addition to the harmful downstream impacts of inadequately managed plastic waste," the lawmakers wrote. "We need bold action to protect our communities and our climate from plastics, and we must do this by looking upstream to the plastic production stage."

The lawmakers listed nine actions they want EPA to take, including new nationwide targets for single-use plastics in the food industry, a microplastics pilot program and a review of how the petrochemical industry impacts human health.


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By:  Ellie Borst
Source: E&E Daily