Press Releases

September 2015
Rep. Huffman Introduces Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act
Rep. Huffman Statement on Pope Francis’ Address to Congress
Rep. Huffman Announces Major Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant for Construction of Bodega Bay Trail
Rep. Huffman Introduces New Legislation to Expand the California Coastal National Monument
Rep. Huffman statement on Yurok Tribe Withdrawal from Klamath Basin agreements
Rep. Huffman Votes to Support Iran Deal
Rep. Huffman Announces Support for Iran Nuclear Agreement
August 2015
Huffman opposes latest Westlands lawsuit over Trinity/Klamath River protections
Rep. Huffman Secures $500,000 Grant for Organization Supporting Native American Small Businesses
Rep. Huffman Tours Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Reaffirms Strong Opposition to Arctic Oil Drilling
Rep. Huffman to FCC Commissioner: Neglect of Copper Networks Threatens Health, Safety of North Coast Residents
Rep. Jared Huffman insists federal agencies act to prevent Klamath River fish kill
Rep. Huffman Statement on Clean Power Plan
July 2015
Reps. Huffman and Schiff, Senators Feinstein and Boxer Call on OMB to Ensure Protection of Captive Orcas and Marine Mammals
Representatives Huffman and Blumenauer Introduce Legislation to Modernize the U.S. Postal Service
Rep. Huffman Votes Against Bill that Voids States & Local Genetically Modified Food Labeling Laws
Rep. Huffman Votes Against Flawed, Divisive House Republican Water Bill
House Democrats Call Out GOP on Drought’s Economic Impact after Amendments are Excluded from Valadao Bill
Statement by Congressman Huffman on Iran Nuclear Agreement
Rep. Huffman: Shameful that House Republicans quashed progress made to take down Confederate Flag
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