Press Releases

December 2015
Rep. Huffman on House “Blizzard” of Legislation to Undermine the Clean Air Act: “A stocking full of gifts to Big Oil, and a lump of coal for Americans and the rest of the world.”
Rep. Huffman Votes for Five-Year Surface Transportation Bill, First Long-Term Federal Investment in Roads, Bridges & Transit Since 2005
Rep. Huffman Statement on Klamath River Basin
Reps. Huffman, Thompson, and Nolan Introduce the Rural Broadband Infrastructure Investment Act
November 2015
Reps. Huffman, Speier, Farr, and Capps Urge Gov. Brown to Stand Ready to Declare a Fishery Disaster for the Dungeness Crab Fishery
Huffman, DeSaulnier Introduce IDEA High Cost Pool Funding Act for 40th Anniversary of IDEA
Huffman Recognizes North Cal Wood Products for Dedication to Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
Rep. Huffman Offers Motion to Greatly Increase Funding for Transportation Infrastructure, Road and Bridge Repair
Reps. Huffman, Garamendi Lead West Coast Members in Introducing Legislation to Permanently Ban Offshore Drilling on Pacific Coast
October 2015
Duck Named Conservation Ambassador
Rep. Huffman Calls for Funding for Army Corps of Engineers Dredging and Flood Control Projects throughout North Coast
Rep. Huffman Votes to For Budget Agreement to Prevent Default
On Eve of United Nations Vote, Members of Congress Call on President Obama to Abstain from Cuba Embargo Vote
Rep. Huffman Announces $220,000 in Federal Grants to Promote Local, Northern California Agriculture
Huffman Leads Floor Fight Against the Environmental Consequences of Unrestricted Crude Oil Exports
Legislation to Expand the California Coastal National Monument Advances in the Senate
Rep. Huffman Votes for Permanent, Sustainable Management of Dungeness Crab Fishery
September 2015
Reps. Huffman and DeFazio Weigh In on Smith River Threat by Oregon Mining
Huffman statement on passage of short-term funding bill
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