Press Releases

June 2016
Rep. Huffman Joins House Dems in Demanding Speaker Ryan to Allow a Vote on Commonsense Gun Legislation: No Bill, No Break
Rep. Huffman Applauds Proposal to Retire Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
Rep. Huffman Announces Nearly $5.5 Million in Federal Grants for New Terminal at Jack McNamara Field Airport
House Overwhelming Approves Huffman/McClintock Amendment to Halt Costly Coal Shipments to U.S. Military Bases in Germany
Reps. Huffman and Bonamici Introduce the American Savings Account Act to Help Every Worker Save for Retirement
Rep. Huffman Congratulates North Coast Gold Ribbon Schools Awardees
May 2016
Rep. Huffman Supports Water Resources Development Act, Applauds Fisheries, Estuaries, and Dredging Improvements
Rep. Huffman Introduces New Legislation to Rid Children’s Car Seats of Dangerous Chemicals
Reps. Huffman and Napolitano React to Donald Trump’s Meeting with Westlands Water District
Rep. Huffman Introduces Healthy Soils and Rangelands Solutions Act to Improve Carbon Capture in Federal Grazing Practices
Rep. Huffman Statement on Vote on Toxic Substances Control Act
Rep. Huffman Votes Against 2017 Defense Authorization
House Passes Rep. Huffman’s Amendment to Ban Confederate Battle Flag From VA Cemeteries
Coalition of House Democrats from Three States Respond to Garamendi Drought Companion Bill
Rep. Huffman Supports Action to Fight Opioid Addiction, Calls on Congressional Leadership to Provide Additional Resources
Rep. Huffman Announces Winner of 2016 Congressional Art Competition
Reps. Huffman & McClintock Slam Inclusion of Zombie Coal Earmark in 2017 Defense Appropriations Bill
Rep. Huffman Leads Bipartisan Letter Urging DOI to End Dangerous Oil & Gas Drilling in the Arctic
April 2016
Members of Congress Call on USDA to Protect Marine Mammals
Rep. Huffman Announces More Than $16 Million in Federal Funds for Local Health Centers
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