Press Releases

October 2017
Rep. Huffman Announces Suspension of ICE Enforcements; Urges All Sonoma and Mendocino Residents to Follow Evacuation Orders & Safety Recommendations
Rep. Huffman Statement on Latest Fire News
September 2017
Rep. Huffman Introduces Legislation to End Deportation Proceedings Against Hugo Mejia
Rep. Huffman Votes Against Partisan Government Funding Package
Rep. Huffman Slams President Trump’s Broken Promise to DREAMers
August 2017
Reps. Huffman and Lee Introduce New Amendments: No Taxpayer Funding for White Nationalist Enablers in the White House
Members of Congress to Trump Administration: Don’t Allow Oil Drilling in the Arctic Ocean
Rep. Huffman Unveils Legislation to Protect the North Coast’s Spectacular Wild Places and Rivers; Calls for Public Input on Balanced Approach to Land Management
July 2017
Rep. Huffman Helps Introduce New Medicare Buy-In Legislation
Reps. Huffman and Price Introduce Local And Independent Television Protection Act
Lawmakers to Trump: You Can’t Pass this Buck
Huffman, Polis, Grijalva, Jayapal, introduce nationwide roadmap to get U.S. to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050
Rep. Huffman Introduces Energy Transparency Legislation: ‘Know Your Oil Act’ & ‘Carbon Pollution Transparency Act’
Rep. Huffman Votes Against Bloated Military Bill
Rep Huffman, 29 Lawmakers Urge Trump Administration to Take Steps to Save the Vaquita
June 2017
Rep. Huffman, 15 Representatives to Secretary of Defense Mattis: Allow Transgender Individuals to Serve the Country They Love
Huffman, House Dems to Sec. DeVos: “No Child Should Ever Be Denied a Quality Education”
Reps. Huffman & DeSaulnier Introduce INSPIRE Act to Expand Community Service Opportunities & Promote Active Citizenship
Rep. Huffman Statement on H.R. 3004
Rep. Huffman Votes Against H.R. 2936, the Resilient Federal Forest Act of 2017
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