Press Releases

February 2018
Rep. Huffman Invites North Coast High School Students to Enter the Congressional Art Competition
Rep. Huffman Signs on to Articles of Impeachment
Rep. Huffman to DOJ: Investigate Trump’s “Hush Money” to “Stormy Daniels”
Rep. Huffman Votes for Bipartisan Budget Deal to Fund Wildfire & Fishery Disaster Relief; Demands that Speaker Ryan Keep Promise and Allow DACA Vote
January 2018
Rep. Huffman Announces State of the Union Guest
Rep. Huffman to Vote Against Short-Term Continuing Resolution
Rep. Huffman Statement on President Trump’s Government Sh*tdown
Reps. Huffman, Lieu & Lowenthal to Sec. Zinke: Remove California from Trump’s Expanded Offshore Drilling Plans
Rep. Huffman Blasts Trump’s Irresponsible Offshore Drilling Expansion
December 2017
Rep. Huffman Votes Against FY 2018 Continuing Resolution
Rep. Huffman Blasts Passage of Final GOP Tax Scam
Rep. Huffman Launches “Moment of Truth” Congressional Speeches
Rep. Huffman Statement on Impeachment Vote
November 2017
Reps. Huffman & Thompson Condemn Administration’s Supplemental Disaster Funding Request
Rep. Huffman Slams Passage of H.R. 1%, House Republican Tax Scam
Rep. Huffman Votes Against Bloated 2018 Defense Authorization
October 2017
Reps. Huffman & Thompson Offer a Better Way to Equip Communities for Future Wildfires
Rep. Huffman Seeks Assurance from FEMA: Eligible Fire Victims Should Be Able to Seek Aid Without Fear of Immigration Targeting
House Democrats seek GAO Investigation into Federal Scheme to Fund Delta Tunnels Project
Rep. Huffman Statement on Delta Tunnels Project
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